Nagasaki 75th Anniversary of the Atomic Bomb Start of the Peace Memorial Ceremony on August 4, 20:23

Before the day of the atomic bombing on Nagasaki on the 9th of this month, which is 75 years after the atomic bombing, the construction work of a large tent has begun at the Peace Park in Nagasaki City, where the Peace Memorial Ceremony is held.

At the Peace Park in Nagasaki City, ahead of the Peace Memorial Ceremony held on the 9th day of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki this month, construction work of a large tent started on the 4th. Was spread and tied together.

In addition, as the turning point for the 75th anniversary of the bombing, the design of the panel to be displayed in front of the Peace Memorial Statue was changed for the first time in 25 years, so the work of painting white paint on a new board was also performed.

At this year's ceremony, in order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the number of participants will be reduced to about one-tenth that of every year, about 500 people.

In addition, Governor Tamaki Denny of Okinawa, who was scheduled to attend the ceremony for the first time, decided to miss the ceremony due to the spread of infection in Okinawa.

Nagasaki City says, "Even if the size of the ceremony is reduced, we want to make it a ceremony that will be thought-inspired by various people as a milestone in the 75th year of the atomic bombing."