European arms companies have decided to abandon US technology. Leaked information on this matter is published by some European media. However, in a series of recent demarches in Europe, which is increasingly opposing the obsessive American tutelage and increasingly striving to restore its own sovereignty, such a step would look quite logical and consistent.

One of the reasons cited by the German Sunday weekly Welt am Sonntag is that manufacturers are not satisfied with the United States' attempts to control products based on American technology, albeit in European factories.

But the most outrageous European arms manufacturers consider not even this (the Americans are climbing everywhere and trying to control everything in Europe, not just the military industry), but US demands to restrict the export of European military products. That is, in fact, European manufacturers are not allowed to sell their own products without a Washington visa.

In general, to such a mentoring order of European economic and military resources, as well as the economy as a whole, from the side of their senior “partner” in Europe, they have somehow got used to it. What makes the whole situation more piquant is that many so-called American military technologies were either developed jointly with European engineers, or simply created by immigrants from Europe.

Here, the American defense industry is just as shamelessly, as the owners of not even Europe - the world, it simply buys up more or less promising specialists, and - again! - the military technologies developed by them become American, and Europe itself is now forced to buy them from the American military manufacturer five-way too.

It is not surprising that at some point, namely now, the Europeans are simply tired of all this. Moreover, American superiority, not to mention "exclusivity," is increasingly being questioned, including by the leaders in Europe itself. Against this background, enterprises from Germany and France intend not only to move to a more accurate personnel policy, stopping the brain drain, but also to start their own (without American participation) military development.

After all, to be honest, one has only to share this or that military secret with American "partners", as as a result of a couple of fraudulent operations with papers, with the help of bribery, blackmail and outright pressure, all these technological know-how will very quickly be retrained from joint to American ... And the American defense industry knows what to do with them, immediately turning everything into fabulous profits for its curators. And this is half of the current American elite.

It is not surprising that they provide all the necessary conditions for capturing European technologies and retraining them into American ones. This is - to a large extent - the US leadership in military technology.

Hence the natural desire - primarily of the Germans and the French - to start their own developments independently of the United States. The plans are, first of all, to create their own helicopters, assault rifles, as well as a new European fighter. That will significantly reduce the military spending of these states.

After all, how it turns out: most of the EU countries and the United States are NATO allies, the Americans are constantly demanding an increase in military spending up to 2% of GDP, but it is the American military equipment that has to be bought. And the technology seems to be American too.

Everything in general is American, while Europeans are only required to pay their bills regularly. Moreover, incessantly praising the American "virtues" (those still allies), saying: "What would we do without you." But what - fighters, helicopters and rifles. To start. Cheaper, and no one indicates how to dispose of them, to whom to sell, and to whom to give as humanitarian aid (now this is completely the prerogative of the United States).

By and large, Europe itself can produce the entire range of weapons. And the so-called nuclear umbrella in Europe also has its own - for example, the same France and Britain. As some media outlets write, referring to European statistics, the population of Germany, whose leaders are increasingly declaring the need to restore European sovereignty, is increasingly in favor of going under the nuclear umbrella of France and Britain.

And no wonder. After all, the differences between European and American interests are becoming more and more obvious every year, but the dependence on all points, including military cooperation and the security sphere in general, is less and less justified.

Old threats (primarily the "aggressive Soviet bloc") no longer exist, new ones (for example, the North Korean nuclear threat) are increasingly ephemeral. Either an outspoken globalist fanatic who blindly repeats overseas directives, or a layman who listens to propaganda, or just a feeble-minded person can believe in them today.

Direct American occupation under the guise of a cumbersome and long ago both morally and physically outdated structure of NATO does not inspire Europeans anymore. The creation of our own army, which European politicians are talking about more and more often, against the background of increasingly obvious divergences with US policy, on the contrary, is becoming an increasingly promising idea.

The only thing that is stopping from decisive action in this direction is the complete technological dependence of the military industry on the United States, plus NATO (and in fact, American) military standards, which do not give Europe the opportunity to free itself from the American military stranglehold.

Rational Europeans are used to acting rationally and consistently. Before talking about leaving NATO and creating its own armed forces, it is necessary to provide Europe with its own military technologies and standards.

Knowing the diurnal aspirations of the Europeans, manifested over the centuries, there is no reason to doubt: Europe will have its own military technologies and its own army. The elections in 2021 may be decisive here, when German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the last adherent of globalism from the old guard, once trained according to the patterns of American Democrats like Obama - Clinton, will leave her post. It was then that the Americans would be asked to get out on their island. In the meantime, it's time to develop our own military technologies.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.