[Explanation] 2020 is 600 years after the completion of the Forbidden City. On August 3, the People's Bank of China issued a gold and silver commemorative coin for the 600th anniversary of the completion of the Forbidden City. It is reported that this set of commemorative coins issued a total of 5 specifications and 7 coins, including 2 gold coins and 5 silver coins, all of which are the legal tender of the People's Republic of China. The front design of the commemorative coin is the national emblem of the People's Republic of China, and the name and year of the country are published. There are 7 patterns on the back, which are the symbolic architecture and iconic elements of the Forbidden City, all of which are printed with the words and denominations of "The Forbidden City was built 600 years ago".

  [Concurrent] Ren Wanping, Vice President of the Palace Museum

  On the one hand, there are our architectural patterns, and there are auspicious animals that we load in the building, for example. There are Hall of Supreme Harmony, Hall of Zhonghe, Hall of Baohe, and related ones, such as Ruihe and Qilin in front of the hall. It gives the Chinese people particularly good wishes. As a tangible cultural carrier, commemorative coins are constantly spreading and promoting our traditional Chinese culture in the process of communication.

  [Explanation] According to the introduction, among the commemorative coins issued this time, one kilogram of round gold commemorative coins have a denomination of 10,000 yuan, a diameter of 90 mm, and a maximum circulation of 100. The back pattern adopts a view of the Forbidden City from north to south. The 2 kg round silver commemorative coin has a denomination of 600 yuan, a diameter of 130 mm, and a maximum circulation of 3,000 pieces. The back uses a partial pattern of the interior of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. It is reported that this is also the largest silver commemorative coin issued this time. It embodies the image and meticulous carving of the Kowloon gold lacquered throne and the large pillar of the dragon on the golden plate inside the Hall of Supreme Harmony. The 3 gram round gold commemorative coin has a denomination of 50 yuan, and the back pattern adopts the image of a bronze crane and a big kiss on the square in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. The 5 gram round silver commemorative coin has a denomination of 2 yuan and the gilt bronze unicorn shape in front of the Ci Ning gate is printed on the back. Three 15-gram rectangular silver commemorative coins have a denomination of 5 yuan, and the patterns on the back adopt the architectural shapes of the three halls of the Forbidden City, namely the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Hall of Zhonghe, and Hall of Baohe.

  [Explanation] According to reports, the issuance of the Forbidden City's 600-year gold and silver commemorative coins will spread the cultural heritage and connotation of the Forbidden City on a larger scale, and let the excellent traditional Chinese culture of "the harmony between man and nature and coexistence" penetrate into the hearts of the people.

  [Concurrent] Du Haijiang, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Palace Museum

  Through the small and large square-inch space, it fully reflects the artistic value of coin culture and uses it as a carrier to better inherit, protect and promote the cultural heritage of the Forbidden City.

  Reporter Fan Siyi reports from Beijing

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]