Investigating fraudulent journalists with the bait of "paying money without leaving home"

  What are the routines behind the part-time job

  "Prepare 100 yuan to 500 yuan in principal every day. I will take you to earn 100 yuan to 150 yuan stably. How much are you willing to pay out? You help me to make money. All the money earned is yours. You only need to follow me for ten minutes. See benefits, honesty and long-term cooperation."

  "A day of more than 200 yuan, both boys and girls, try if you can do it well, you can do it for a long time, just do it for one day or one hour, you can settle in one hour, 50 yuan/hour, no deposit, add QQ if you are interested To understanding."

  In many QQ groups and WeChat groups, such information is not unfamiliar. The publishers of this information, under the banner of a part-time job, claim to "stay at home and make money every day" and "just click and make money easily". In fact, behind this information, it is criminals who are carrying out network telecommunications fraud. The deceived may be defrauded from a few hundred to thousands of yuan, and many lose hundreds of thousands of yuan.

  The summer is here, how can I distinguish the various part-time job scams? Once deceived, how to protect rights? A reporter from "Legal Daily" interviewed this recently.

A lot of part-time routines

Scam traps are everywhere

  All kinds of scams are dazzling. All kinds of "routines" make the victims jump into the fraud traps that the criminals have set up without knowing it. The amount defrauded ranges from several hundred yuan to several hundred thousand yuan. . When the victim realized that he was cheated, the other party could no longer be contacted.

  According to the reporter of "Legal System Daily", there are mainly the following "routines" regarding part-time job review:

  The first is to lure the bait with small rewards, and subsequently defraud large sums of money. For example, Ms. Huang downloads an order-swiping app and performs an order-swiping operation in the corresponding online store. Each time she needs to advance the order amount, she will be able to return the principal after completing one order-swiping task and earn the order amount. 5% commission. After swiping 3 orders and successfully earning commissions, the customer service who swiped the orders told Ms. Huang that because she had good credit, she could start the welfare order task, and the commission for each order increased to 8% to 10%. In order to get the principal and commission of the welfare bill, Ms. Huang fell into a trap step by step and invested more than 80,000 yuan. She didn't realize she had been cheated until the customer service lost contact.

  The second is to use the merchant payment function to send a payment link or QR code to directly deduct the victim’s property. The specific operation is that the suspect promised to perform payment on behalf of the merchant, but in fact Alipay did not have the “pay on behalf of the enterprise” function. In the content sent, it added the “please pay for someone” interface in the Taobao function, resulting in a kind of The illusion that there is no need to pay in person. However, in fact, when the victim clicks on the payment interface and enters the password, the money is directly drawn away.

  The third is to falsely claim systemic problems, successively "routine" the victim's property. For example, after Ms. Meng added the dispatcher’s QQ number and scanned the QR code according to the QR code provided by the ordering task, she lost 900 yuan the first time, but the other party told Ms. Meng that the process was wrong and asked her to Register for a refund. According to the request of the other party, Ms. Meng made a refund registration. At this time, the other party showed another QR code. Ms. Meng continued to scan the QR code. After scanning the QR codes of several platforms, not only the money was not refunded, but a total of more than 60,000 yuan was swiped away.

  The fourth type is to perform tasks on the surface to scan orders, but actually defraud victims' information for third-party loans. For example, the suspect pretends to be a customer service staff for regular shopping, and publishes messages in various students' part-time billing QQ groups to trick others into registering to use the App to scan orders. Then deceive the victim to enter his own delivery address when placing the order, falsely claiming that the order is virtual and will not produce a real transaction. In fact, these orders are real installment purchase orders. After the victim places an order, he will owe an online loan, and the goods will be sent to the suspect.

  According to Zheng Ning, director of the Law Department of the School of Cultural Industry Management, Communication University of China, part-time job fraud generally has two characteristics: First, it claims to have high returns. The traps of using high returns are often used as bait to lure victims. The second is to cultivate trust first and then commit fraud. In the initial stage when the victim starts to purchase the order, the criminals will usually return the shopping principal and the order commission to the victim in time to gradually win the trust of the victim. Later, the victim will be required to continue online shopping and the unit price of the product. The commissions promised will also be higher and higher. The criminals will not immediately return the unit price and commission of the goods, but require the victim to continue to swipe the order. When the victim’s swipe amount accumulates to a certain level, the criminals will Carry money and disappear.

  Han Yingwei, a senior partner of Beijing Yingke Law Firm, added that there are diversified channels for this type of fraud. The perpetrators often publish false part-time information through WeChat groups, QQ groups, and recruitment websites. The time and location of the crime is not fixed and the frequency is high; fraud Targets are not fixed. In most cases, the victims are mostly college students, young people without work, full-time mothers, or low-income groups; it is difficult to recover funds, and the transfer of funds involved in the case is mostly through third-party payment such as Alipay and WeChat Pay On the platform, funds are transferred quickly, and it is difficult to obtain evidence and recover.

High returns are mostly bait

Most of the victims are women

  During the investigation, a reporter from the Legal Daily found that advertisements about part-time jobs are not uncommon in daily life. Among them, QQ mailboxes and QQ groups are the hardest hit areas for such advertisements. In order to avoid platform review, this type of advertisement is mostly in the form of pictures, and the content of the copy is very attractive, such as "mobile phone operation, you can make money at home", "one settlement per day, 20 to 80 yuan per order, 180 yuan to 550 yuan per day guarantee "Wait, the so-called official customer service WeChat or QQ contact information will be attached to the bottom of the picture.

  A reporter from "Legal Daily" checked his mailbox and found that he would receive 2 to 3 such emails every week. The senders were different. Some emails even directly read "a letter to XX". XX is the QQ nickname of the reporter of Legal Daily.

  In the QQ group, such advertisements are even more numerous. Many netizens also posted similar comments in the microblog comments on the media exposure of the scam. They said that their QQ mailboxes, QQ groups, and text messages often receive such information.

  A reporter from "Legal Daily" randomly opened several similar messages, and added relevant customer service personnel through QQ according to the contact information indicated above. The customer service staff confirmed that the reporter of "Legal System Daily" added her for the purpose of reviewing the order, and sent a work flow chart. The "Solemn Statement" at the top reads: "Any kind of project that collects any deposit and asks you for a password. , Is a lie! Joining this project we will never charge any deposit, and we will not ask you for any password. The real drill does not require a deposit and any password. The liquidity used for the drill only needs to be in you Account flow, no need to remit to anyone."

  The flowchart shows that to join the project, you need to have an Alipay or WeChat account that can pay, and there must be a balance of more than 600 yuan in it, and the goods can be paid normally. The specific process is that the person who purchases the order first pays to take the product, and then they return the payment and remuneration to their personal Alipay or online banking account, and then confirm the receipt and praise, and the order is completed. Compensation commissions are divided into different levels. The lowest level requires the purchase of goods at a price of 600 to 900 yuan, and the commission ratio is 5%. You can get 30 to 50 yuan for one order; the highest grade is 6000 to 9,600 yuan. At this time, the commission rate is as high as 10%. Task settlement is instant settlement.

  After a reporter from the Legal Daily asked briefly how to operate, the customer service staff sent a group chat code and said that their company is one-on-one customer service. Subsequently, a reporter from "Legal Daily" entered the group chat numbered 568. A customer service staff surnamed Yang sent a so-called "application form". The information to be filled in includes name, age, gender, region, and rebate account number ( Ask Alipay). When the "Legal Daily" reporter said that he did not want to disclose the information, the customer service staff sent a so-called "part-time settlement information" picture, which included name, real-time rebate account, task, principal, commission, total settlement amount, etc. For each column, the highest commission is up to 2400 yuan.

  Han Yingwei bluntly said that such propaganda with terms such as "make money without leaving home", "free time can do" and "time freedom" may be a trap for scalping orders, which requires caution; scalping orders will generally say that there is a high salary , Often see the "hundreds of thousands of daily salary" brushing advertisements, you must pay attention at this time.

  Why are so many people deceived? Zheng Ning believes that criminals use the victim's psychology of being greedy for petty gains and making big money easily. In the process of fraud, they first cultivate trust, let the victim increase investment, and finally disappear with the money.

  In Han Yingwei's view, there are many ways to scam orders, impersonating fake customer service, using fake websites and campus routine loans and other fraud methods, making it difficult for victims to identify. Although the promotion of Internet fraud continues to increase, victims often lack social experience and sufficient identification capabilities, hoping to make money easily through the Internet, and give criminals a chance.

  Talking about the characteristics of the victims, Zheng Ning said that most of the victims have the psychology of coveting small gains and making big money easily. They are gullible in the so-called high returns on the Internet and are not aware of fraud. Victim groups are mainly divided into three types: school students who have not been involved in the world; young people with low education and low wages; and unemployed people who do not have a job and are idle at home.

  According to Han Yingwei, according to statistics, the victims of the fraud case are divided by age, with the most young people aged 16 to 35, followed by middle-aged people aged 35 to 55; in terms of gender, female victims account for about 70% , Much higher than men.

Suspected violation of the law

Cohesion to fight fraud

  Speaking of how to prevent being deceived, Han Yingwei said that the first thing to do is to put an end to the mentality of getting nothing for nothing, especially not to believe in the so-called high returns. The perpetrators often cheat the trust through the first few "high returns"; secondly, click carefully. For unfamiliar links, it is necessary to find part-time jobs through formal job search platforms and companies, and sign labor contracts or labor contracts with the employer or employer in time.

  Zheng Ning believes that the public should learn more about fraud prevention, understand common fraud methods, be vigilant in the face of high returns and transfer transactions, communicate more with family and friends, and do not believe in information from unknown sources and unidentified people. Trading partners.

  Zheng Ning told a reporter from Legal Daily that the act of swiping orders violated the e-commerce law. According to the E-commerce Law, e-commerce operators shall disclose product or service information in a comprehensive, true, accurate and timely manner to protect consumers’ right to know and to choose. E-commerce operators shall not conduct false or misleading commercial propaganda by fictitious transactions, fabricating user reviews, etc., to deceive or mislead consumers.

  Zheng Ning said that the act of swiping orders also violated the Anti-Unfair Competition Law. According to the Anti-Unfair Competition Law, operators are not allowed to make false or misleading commercial propaganda on the performance, function, quality, sales status, user evaluation, and previous honors of their products to deceive or mislead consumers. Business operators shall not help other business operators conduct false or misleading commercial propaganda by organizing false transactions or other methods.

  Han Yingwei also believes that online sellers’ order-checking behavior to mislead consumers with fictitious sales and praise information may violate the Anti-Unfair Competition Law and Consumer Protection Law.

  "In addition, people who registered maliciously for order-swiping accounts, or merchants or individuals that were originally normal business or operations, later became long-term malicious-swiping people. If their order-swiping behavior meets the criminal amount standard required for the crime of fraud, In addition, the perpetrator is subjectively for the purpose of illegal possession and can be held criminally responsible for the crime of fraud." Han Yingwei said.

  What measures can be taken to better prevent and combat such frauds?

  In this regard, Zheng Ning suggested strengthening anti-fraud propaganda. Government departments can increase the public's awareness of fraud prevention through traditional methods such as presentations and distributing anti-fraud propaganda materials, as well as pushing articles through WeChat official accounts, shooting anti-fraud videos or sitcoms, etc. Regularly carry out special rectification activities. Government departments can regularly crack down on such telecom fraud and punish criminals who violate the law in a timely manner.

  Han Yingwei said that once the public finds fraudulent property, they should promptly report the crime and seek help from the police. You can also seek help from the government. The 12345 government service hotline also focuses on receiving non-emergency requests for help, assistance, consultation, and complaints. In addition, lawsuits can be filed in the people's courts, including civil and criminal proceedings.

  Zheng Ning reminded that it is necessary to save existing evidence, keep transfer records or chat records, report to the police in time, explain the situation in detail, cooperate with the investigation by the public security organs, and at the same time, if necessary, modify the account password to stop the loss in time.

  □ Our reporter Han Dandong □ Our intern Liang Chen