Heavy rain damage 79 people died in Kumamoto 5 people missing (as of July 25) 20:17 on July 25

This record heavy rain has killed 79 people and left 5 missing, mainly in Kumamoto Prefecture.

Kumamoto Prefecture

According to NHK's compilations through broadcasting stations in various places, 65 people have died and two people have been missing in Kumamoto prefecture.

Of these, a total of 25 people died in Kuma-mura, including 14 deaths at the special elderly nursing home “Senjuen”.

In addition, 20 people died in Hitoyoshi, 11 in Ashikita, 4 in Yatsushiro, 3 in Tsunagi, and 2 in Yamaga.

The number of people who are missing is one in Yatsushiro City and one in Ashikita Town.

Kyushu and others

In Kyushu, other areas are also suffering great damage.

In Oita prefecture, 1 person in Oita city, 2 people in Yufu city, 1 person in Hita city, 4 people have died, and 2 people are missing in Yufu city.

In Fukuoka Prefecture, two people died in Omuta City.

In Nagasaki prefecture, a man in his 50s, believed to have been washed away in a river, died in Tsushima City.

In Kagoshima prefecture, a newspaper delivery man in his 60s died in Minamisatsuma city.

In Kyushu, a total of 73 people have died and four are missing.

Other than Kyushu

Outside of Kyushu, the back mountain of a house collapsed in Higashihiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, and the parents and children living in this house died.

In Ehime Prefecture, one person died in each of Ikata and Saijo.

In Shizuoka prefecture, a worker fell dead in Kawanehoncho when he fell into a tree.

In Nagano Prefecture, a 73-year-old man died in Iida City due to a landslide.

In Toyama prefecture, a man in his 70s is missing in a irrigation canal in Tateyama town.

Outside of Kyushu, 6 people have died and 1 is missing.