On July 25, when the police from the 12th Brigade of Nanjing Traffic Police was on duty, they seized a "wonderful" driver with a plaster on his right foot, but he drove on the highway and was speeding.

  It has been learned that it has been a month since the man got a cast for his foot injury. During this period, his wife had been helping him to drive. Today, he felt sorry for his wife, so he drove by himself and speeded without paying attention. His wife got out of the car and said that she advised him not to drive, but could not hold him back.

  Finally, the police severely criticized and educate the driver, and informed him of the harmfulness of the illegal behavior. At the same time, he imposed a total fine of 100 yuan for his violations of obstructing safe driving and speeding on the highway in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and a driver’s license scored 5 points. Penalty. (Video source: Zhang Chuanming, 12th Brigade of Nanjing Traffic Police Expressway reported from Nanjing, Jiangsu)

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]