[Explanation] Qi Min, who is only 1.2 meters tall, is a villager in Lebao Village, Xima Town, Longli County, Guizhou Province. Since 2010, she has passed on the technology to the villagers by studying books and constantly practicing self-taught pepper planting techniques. , Improve the quality and yield of pepper, paving the way for the people to become rich and well-off.

  [Explanation] Now that the pepper management and protection stage has entered, Qi Min is preparing pepper seedlings and management tools to go to the pepper field for daily management and protection and replant the damaged pepper seedlings.

  [Concurrent] Qi Min, a planter in Lebao Village, Xima Town, Longli County, Guizhou Province

  Take a look at the diseased vaccine to see what happened to it and what disease it was. Then it is to fill up the seedlings, try to make up the seedlings. Then medication control, sterilization, and some follow-up fine management.

  [Explanation] Today, Qi Min speaks of the technology of pepper planting very well, thanks to her self-exploration and learning of pepper planting technology since 2010. When he first planted peppers, what Qi Min faced was the problems of pests and diseases encountered in pepper planting, junior high school education, lack of technology, and Qi Min decided to adopt a one-to-one field comparison method.

  [Concurrent] Qi Min, a planter in Lebao Village, Xima Town, Longli County, Guizhou Province

  (Agricultural Technology Planting Book) there are some color pictures, the high-definition color pictures, which are our diseased seedlings, or directly hold the one to compare and compare, to understand, at that time, the main purpose was to know first. First understand the physical and practical things.

  [Explanation] Slowly comparing and accumulating, Qi Min can find the solution to the problem of pepper diseases and insect pests as soon as possible. Qi Min also conducted repeated experiments on how to obtain better quality and higher yield of peppers.

  [Concurrent] Qi Min, a planter in Lebao Village, Xima Town, Longli County, Guizhou Province

  There are two varieties, so keep the best one, this year as an old variety to match the next year's new variety, and it will be replaced every year. Repeatedly (do it) that the method last year did not work. We will improve it this year. If we make a little improvement this year, we can continue to push it next year, and then change it, and continue to push it again.

  [Explanation] Through nearly ten years of self-study and exploration, Qi Min’s pepper planting technology has become well-known in the local area. The surrounding villagers also came to learn relevant experience and technology from her. Through on-site guidance and sharing teaching, the villagers planted The quality and yield of peppers have been improved.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Pinxiang, a planter in Lebao Village, Xima Town, Longli County, Guizhou Province

  In the past, we could only harvest more than 1,000 catties if we did not follow (scientific planting). According to their proportions, we asked them to learn from them. That is to say, according to this science, there are so many scientific farming and scientific planting. Now my family is equivalent to 5000 kg (about).

  [Explanation] The area of ​​the village is large, and the cultivation of peppers is in the form of self-employed. Many farmers with small acres and low yield have encountered difficulties in purchasing. Therefore, Qi Min gathered several large local growers together and sought help from relevant local authorities to establish a cooperative.

  [Concurrent] Qi Min, a planter in Lebao Village, Xima Town, Longli County, Guizhou Province

  Large households lead small households to solve the problem of retail investors, the problem of concentration, and the problem of helping the boss, the purchaser, and the centralized loading of goods and stockpiles. Then there is the problem of driving the average price of retail investors, which is to level the price.

  [Explanation] Like Qi Min's "small figure", these little peppers burst out with a strong motivation to become rich. In Qi Min's view, she will continue to study some new planting technology and knowledge, and work with the villagers to develop the "hot" industry at the doorstep.

  (Reported by Wang Xi from Qiannan, Guizhou)

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]