Chinanews client, Beijing, July 24 (Reporter Shangguan Yun) "Go to Mars!" On July 23, China successfully launched the first Mars exploration mission Tianwen-1 probe with the Long March 5 Yaosi carrier rocket. Start the trip to Mars.

  What is the mystery of Mars, this familiar terrestrial planet? Is there life on Mars? Is it possible for humans to migrate to Mars?

Data map: On July 23, China's first Mars exploration mission, the Tianwen-1 probe, lifted off at the Wenchang Space Launch Site, starting a Mars exploration journey and taking the first step in China's planetary exploration. Photo by Guo Wenbin

Why do humans have a "soft spot" for Mars?

  Pang Zhihao, the chief science communication expert of national space exploration technology, previously said in an interview with China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily that human Mars exploration started in the 1960s. By the end of June this year, a total of 44 fire detection activities had been carried out around the world.

  In the history of human exploration of the universe, why always seem to have a soft spot for Mars? A relatively simple and direct answer is "like the earth".

  Zhu Jin, honorary curator of the Beijing Planetarium, introduced that Mars’s rotation period and the inclination of its rotation axis are similar to those of the earth, which results in it being like the earth, which changes throughout the year.

  In 2019, some media reported that NASA said that the “Curiosity” rover found mineral salt-rich sediments in the Gale Crater on Mars, indicating that there was a saltwater lake in the crater, showing that climate fluctuations have changed the Martian environment from the past. The warm and humid climate evolved into today’s freezing and dry climate.

  "On the whole, among the major planets in the solar system, Mars is closer to the earth, easier to reach, and the detection conditions are relatively better." However, Zhu Jin said that although Venus is closer to the earth, the environment is too harsh. , And did not get such attention as Mars.

A distant terrestrial planet

  Mars is a terrestrial planet. In the solar system, the terrestrial planets are arranged according to the distance from the sun from near to far, followed by Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The farthest distance between Mars and the Earth exceeds 400 million kilometers.

Data map: On July 25, 2018 local time, in Rome, Italy, scientists held a press conference. Agence France-Presse reported on July 25 that the study found that the first lake of liquid water was discovered on Mars. According to the report, scientists have discovered a huge underground aquifer on Mars, which has increased the expectation of life on Mars.

  The terrestrial planets are similar in size and size. Structurally, there is a metal core made of iron in the innermost layer, the middle layer is the mantle, and the outer layer is a thin crust.

  Although it "looks like" the earth, the environment of Mars is much worse than that of the earth. Zhu Jin said, first is the atmosphere. Although there is an atmosphere on Mars, it is much thinner than the atmosphere on Earth. The density of the atmosphere on Mars is only about 1% of that of the Earth.

  "This makes the temperature on Mars very low. Compared with the earth, it is already farther away from the sun. With several factors superimposed, Mars is very cold, with an average surface temperature of more than 60 degrees below zero." Zhu Jin explained. .

  The surface of Mars is full of sand dunes and gravel, and its appearance is orange-red. Sand and dust are suspended in the atmosphere, and dust storms often occur every year. Its intensity is frightening.

Has life ever existed on Mars?

  There has been a warm and humid environment similar to the earth, and there has been water... This makes people full of curiosity about Mars: Has there ever been life here? Do we have "companions" in the solar system?

  "The research results show that there was probably water on Mars before. This is relatively certain." Zhu Jin said. There are also studies that say that there may also be liquid water on Mars now, based on similar water currents on certain slopes of Mars. Traces, and the salt content in these places is relatively large.

  He explained that although it is extremely cold on Mars, there are also times when the temperature is relatively high like summer, and when the salt content is high, the freezing point of water will decrease, and there may be liquid water. However, after the publication of this study, there will be new ones immediately. Research questioned it, so similar issues have always had different opinions.

Data map: It was reported on May 4, 2018 that the Mars deep survey ship "Insight" is scheduled to be put into orbit this weekend, and InSight will dig into the topsoil of Mars to the ground, root in the landing site and explore its surroundings.

  Mars now looks desolate and lonely. There are no common animals and plants on the earth, nor can we see particularly abundant water currents, wind and frost erosion, and corrosion marks.

  "Existing research results cannot completely rule out or prove whether life once existed on Mars. Many problems need to be further explored and studied." Zhu Jin said, in addition, it cannot be ruled out that life still exists on Mars.

Immigration to Mars? Not yet

  The harsh environment on Mars does not prevent human beings from opening their minds and developing various imaginations. "Immigration to Mars" is one of them. So, is it possible for humans to migrate to Mars in a short time?

  In Zhu Jin’s view, the answer is no, “Some people are optimistic and plan to immigrate to Mars in five to ten years, but from my personal point of view, as far as current technology is concerned, this is not a problem that can be solved in the short term.”

  Bear the brunt of environmental factors. There is a large area of ​​ocean on the earth's surface, which can regulate temperature and stabilize humidity, and breed a large number of marine life. This condition is not available on Mars.

  In addition, Zhu Jin mentioned that the magnetic field of Mars is also very weak, unable to block some strong radiation. If humans arrive on Mars, these are important issues that need to be faced. It is almost impossible to modify its magnetic field to be like that of the earth.

  "The environment on Mars cannot be as good as that on Earth." Zhu Jin said that perhaps with the advancement of science and technology, it is possible to build laboratories in a small area to achieve local climate regulation indoors, but humans cannot be as good as they are on Mars. Live like on earth. (Finish)