In the midsummer season, lotus flowers bloom in the 100-acre lotus pond in Liyu Creek, Zhouning County, Fujian Province. Every night, a wonderful light and shadow show is staged here. Various lighting effects shine in the night sky, showing different light and shadow circulation under different angles, which is breathtaking. The beautiful scenery of "the light of the pool shakes the water and the mist, the light of the pine and the moon" also attracts many tourists to experience. In the hot summer, it has also become a good place for people to enjoy the coolness and enjoy the scenery.

  Zhouning County, Fujian Province has an average elevation of 800 meters, with clouds and mist all year round, and is known as the "City of Clouds." The county is also a national-level key ecological function zone. There is no severe cold in winter or intense heat in summer. The average temperature in summer is only 24 degrees Celsius. The forest coverage rate is 72%. The air quality has reached the national first-class standard for many years. The reputation is an ecological summer resort. (Reporter Wu Shengwei)

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]