Italian Senator Gianluigi Paragone announced the creation of a movement for Italy's exit from the European Union. According to Paragon, only a truly independent state can overcome the economic crisis provoked by the coronavirus epidemic.

Paragone is a colleague of mine, a TV presenter, he became a senator from the Five Stars movement, but later they parted ways, and now he is an independent senator. And there is not the slightest doubt that the political force he is creating will be supported by millions of Italian citizens.

If for some reason it seemed to someone that the centrifugal forces in the EU were just a separate episode, an accident, an exception that confirms the rule, then these people are very much mistaken. Britain, willingly or unwillingly, launched the collapse of the European Union. This is an objective process and an irreversible process. Yes, it can be slow - some empires and interstate alliances have been falling apart for decades. But something suggests that in the case of Europe, the EU will disappear from the map much faster than it appeared there.

What is the European Union in its current form? This is a construction artificially created by the supranational bureaucracy, diligently inculcating values ​​that are absolutely alien to Europe on the traditional European Christian soil.

Tolerance, multiculturalism, minorities ... What are all these words for a simple European man in the street, who needs the state to ensure his security, not meddle in his affairs and not commit atrocities with taxes?

Instead, he sees a ruthless bureaucratic machine that rapes the traditional state, forcing it to surrender its own sovereignty and often forcing it to act contrary to its own economic interests. This is a deterioration in the quality of goods for the sake of common European standards, it is a rejection of many traditional industries and products. And these are, of course, sanctions, including anti-Russian ones, which seriously hit the economies of all European countries, and especially agricultural Italy.

If you take politics, it's even sadder. In terms of international relations, the European Union is a satellite and an outright vassal of the United States, unable to act in its own interests and defend its own interests.

In fact, any European country is now twice occupied. Brussels stands above each formally sovereign government, and Brussels, in turn, does not take the slightest degree of serious decisions without instructions from Washington. Of course, European politicians sometimes allow themselves to make harsh statements about Trump, but here you need to understand that all these statements are first approved by representatives of the American Democratic Party, who are confident that in November they will be able to remove this "upstart" and "Kremlin agent" from White at home.

What are the advantages of the European Union today? Common market and open borders? For some this is a plus, but for others it is a very serious minus. The coronavirus has shown that with any threat, borders are closed for both people and goods. In addition, no one bothers to maintain open borders and a common market without this double political dictate.

The EU has too many disadvantages, and they clearly outweigh the dubious advantages. Therefore, for Italy, and for any European country that wants to be sovereign and prosperous, whatever exit is the only healthy decision that can be made in these conditions.

The gradual disintegration of the EU is inevitable, if there is no large-scale reform, this is the path that the USSR has already traveled in its time. But where does the reform come from in the absence of the will of the very establishment, which is the conductor of the EU ideas? The point is that charisma and passionarity are today the attributes of Eurosceptics, and they, and only they, are able to take non-standard steps and offer an alternative. The EU establishment is basically impotence.

Eurosceptics are accused of populism. It's a convenient word to hide behind, just like conspiracy theory. Do not be afraid to face the truth: the world is changing and it will no longer be the same. And maybe that's not bad at all.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.