The group April member Ina Eun was caught up in the controversy over the abusive school, and her agency said it was "actually working."

On the 22nd, an online community posted a letter from Mr. A, who claimed to be an alumni of elementary school. In this article, Mr. A said, "When I was in elementary school, I cried and screamed, and my mother still suffers when I'm still on TV."

Mr. A was originally close to Ina-eun, but at some point suddenly she left her, and she had a habit of biting her hair in her mouth. Mr. A also insisted that he had been embarrassed several times by Inaeun, saying, "It was childish, but I was still alone at that time, so I still remember vividly."

Then Mr. A said, "You may have forgotten, but I remember this too closely." Asked.

Regarding the suspicion of the crime of Ina Eun, the agency's DSP media announced that it was not true.

DSP Media said, "From the point of recognition of the article published in the community, we have carefully checked through not only the artist himself but also others around us. We have concluded that it is true." "We have been collecting data, and today we have decided to take a legal response by appointing a law firm."

He said, "After this time, we will strongly respond to the spread of false facts about our artists and the act of distributing them."

(SBS funE Reporter Sunae Kang)