For their return, the duo Nans et Mouts has launched a new challenge: from a lake near Montpellier to join Lyon and go up on stage with the singer M. But small flat, they begin their journey completely naked, and without money.

They set off on an adventure ... all naked. This Monday evening marks the return to France 5 at 8:50 p.m. of  Nudes and Culottés. The show, which will soon be celebrating its tenth birthday, has a simple concept: to count on the kindness of people to achieve a goal. But the two friends behind this concept, Nans and Mouts, begin their journey without money, without GPS, without internet ... but above all without any clothes. For this return, everything begins at Lake Salagou, near Montpellier, with the aim of going on stage with the singer M ... in Lyon.

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"This trust in humanity is absolutely necessary in the times we are going through"

Nudes et Culottés  therefore places kindness and solidarity at the center of their concept. Two values ​​that resonate with the news according to Nans: "When you have no money and you completely depend on the meetings you have on the way, you do not have the luxury of being able to judge people. I think that trust in humanity is absolutely necessary in these times. "

And as if finding people nice enough to give them clothes, feed them and house them, was too simple, Nans and Mouts have an additional objective: to go on stage with the singer M ... in Lyon. To find out if they will succeed (and how they will be dressed), all you have to do is turn on France 5 this Monday evening.