5-year-old girl suffering from "old disease" and "preventing addiction" work cannot be relaxed

  Xia Xiongfei

  Not long ago, Wenwen, a 5-year-old girl from Wuhan City, often suffered from dizziness and nausea, and even could not walk normally in severe cases. Mom and Dad took her to the hospital for an examination, and found that the child had cervical spondylosis. Cervical spondylosis mostly occurs in the elderly. Wenwen is only 5 years old this year. Why did she get sick? After inquiring about the medical history, the doctor found that the root cause of the child's illness was the lifestyle habit of indulging in playing tablets.

  The case of Wenwen broke our inherent understanding of people with cervical spondylosis. Although cervical spondylosis is not an intractable disease, its harm to the human body and inconvenience to human life are not a lot. Compared with the basic stereotypes of adult physical development, adolescents who are in the growing body stage suffer more from cervical spondylosis, which is very likely to affect their physical development and even suffer sequelae.

  Cervical spondylosis finds teenagers and even 5-year-old girls, the main culprit is because they are addicted to electronic products such as mobile phones and tablets. Speaking of teenagers indulging in electronic products, our focus was on its impact on children’s eyesight, but we did not know that it also has such a great harm to children’s cervical spine. Wenwen's case has once again sounded the alarm for the whole society, especially the parents, to prevent young people from indulging in electronic products.

  Although electronic products have been deeply integrated into real life in all aspects, it is obviously necessary to create an environment for teenagers to have moderate contact with electronic products under the premise of not affecting normal learning and life. The age of "electric shock" must be checked, and the number of users of electronic products at a young age or even a young age must be minimized. The duration of use must also be strictly controlled, and young people with immature physical and mental development must not be allowed to become addicted to electronic products.

  In the work of preventing addiction to electronic products, parents are the first responsible persons and the family is the first battlefield. Parents should lead by example and stay away from unnecessary electronic product operations in front of their children. In addition, parents cannot use electronic products as an artifact to coax their babies, and their children will take the initiative to offer their mobile phones and tablets whenever they cry. Schools should also take the initiative in this work. During the epidemic, many courses are taught through electronic products. Schools should make reasonable arrangements for the length and frequency of students using electronic products, and do not allow electronic products to affect students' physical and mental health. .

  This generation of children were born and grown up with electronic products. It is not realistic to insulate them from electronic products. However, it is the consensus of the whole society to allow children to be in contact with them appropriately and not to be addicted, and it requires concrete actions. .