Number theory

  Can a Chinese-foreign cooperatively run school become a "substitute" for studying abroad

  China Education Online publishes survey report on Sino-foreign cooperatively-run school data at undergraduate level

  Affected by factors such as the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic, some students who originally planned to study abroad turned to paying attention to the "study abroad" method of Sino-foreign cooperative education. Can Chinese-foreign cooperatively run schools become "substitutes" for studying abroad as some people expect?

  Recently, China Education Online released a survey report on Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools at the undergraduate stage, focusing on “double-first-class” construction universities and 9 independent legal person cooperative education institutions. Conduct surveys on settings, fees, student source quality, and employment, and analyze developments and trends. The report shows that the scale of enrollment of Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools continues to expand, the admission scores continue to rise, and the quality of teaching has improved significantly.

  It is understood that the Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools refer to the cooperation between Chinese educational institutions and foreign educational institutions in the conduct of education and teaching activities within the Chinese territory in which Chinese citizens are the main enrollment targets. From the perspective of the form of running a school, there are two forms of Sino-foreign cooperatively-run school: "Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school" and "Sino-foreign cooperatively-run school project (professional)". "Sino-foreign cooperatively-run school" refers to an educational institution that is approved by the Ministry of Education and cooperates with Chinese colleges and universities in China to host Chinese citizens as the main enrollment target. "Sino-foreign cooperative education project" means that the Chinese-foreign cooperative education scholars do not set up a special educational institution, but directly cooperate in a certain subject or a major of a certain university.

  To discuss whether a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school can become a "substitute" for studying abroad, we must first evade the important topic of "teaching quality".

  The report shows that since the "Interim Provisions on Sino-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools" was issued in 1995, Sino-foreign cooperatively-run schools and projects have achieved "rapid growth". By the end of 2019, more than 600 colleges and universities nationwide had organized Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools and projects. Among the 137 "Double First-Class" construction universities, more than 86% of Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools or projects are held. Among the "double first-class" construction of Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools and projects in universities, about 20% of foreign cooperative colleges are the top 200 universities of QS World University.

  The report points out that in recent years, the development of Sino-foreign cooperative education has entered a "quality improvement stage". At the same time, the report mentions that the employment statistics of Sino-foreign cooperatively-run schools have improved significantly, and the employment rate and employment quality have continued to improve, especially in terms of going abroad (overseas) for further studies. Most graduates have entered first-class universities abroad. Take the case of 2019 graduates of a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school in a “double first-class” university in Beijing as an example. The proportion of students who continue to choose a master’s program in a cooperative college is 56.6%, and the proportion of students applying for universities in other countries (international) is 34. %.

  At the same time, when parents and students compare with the study abroad, the tuition fee of the Chinese-foreign cooperatively run school is also one of the most common considerations.

  The report shows that with regard to tuition fees, the Sino-foreign cooperatively-run school programs have higher professional learning fees than domestic universities and colleges, which is several times higher than that of ordinary universities. Tuition fees for Sino-foreign cooperatively-run schools vary greatly. Tuition fees vary in different school-run areas, different cooperative colleges, and different majors.

  Specifically, the tuition fee for Sino-foreign cooperative education projects is 15,000 yuan/year-100,000 yuan/year, and most of them are about 20,000 yuan/year-40,000 yuan/year. The report explains that there are reasons for the high fees for Sino-foreign cooperative education. Under normal circumstances, most of the low-cost cooperative education projects use foreign textbooks, and the teaching is still dominated by domestic teachers. The higher-charged Sino-foreign cooperative education projects increase the proportion of foreign teachers and are more in line with international education.

  The report pointed out that due to the relatively high fees charged by Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools or institutions, the admission score of most Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools is lower than that of non-Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools, but the gap is gradually narrowing.

  The report believes that the quality of students admitted by Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools and institutions (non-independent legal persons) is improving, which also shows that candidates and parents' recognition of the quality of Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools is improving.

  China Youth Daily · China Youth Network reporter Zhang Qian Source: China Youth Daily