Twitter said today that the hacking of its systems last week allowed attackers to download information from up to eight accounts, but said all of those accounts were not official.

The company added that the hackers targeted 130 accounts, managed to change passwords, control 45 of them, and post tweets from those accounts.

Hackers had accessed internal Twitter systems to infiltrate the accounts of prominent personalities including American presidential candidate Joe Biden, reality TV star Kim Kardashian, former US President Barack Obama and billionaire Elon Musk and used those accounts to obtain amounts in digital currency.

Tracking records of publicly available digital currency deals show that hijackers have received amounts in more than $ 100,000.

Among the prominent figures whose accounts could be hacked include the famous rapper Kanye West, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, businessman Warren Buffett and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and accounts of Uber and Apple.

Twitter said in its latest data that hackers "defrauded a small number of employees" to obtain internal support tools they used in the hacking process.

The company stated that it maintains confidentiality of some details because it is continuing the investigation and reiterated that it works in cooperation with the affected account holders.