Garbage on a Vendée beach. (Illustration) - Mario FOURMY / SIPA

By kayak, by bike or with a mask and bottles, they clean the seas. Beer cans, cigarette butts, oil can… Whether in Copenhagen, Acapulco or Mimizan, a lot of waste stains beaches and seashores. To clean them up, these citizens offer free activities to locals and tourists.

A free kayak tour of Copenhagen is what Tobais Weber-Andersen, founder of Green Kayak, offers. In return, during your escapade in the canals, you will collect the waste floating in the water. Big'Up Cyclean offers an initiative similar to Mimizan with its eco-friendly bike rides to clean up the beaches of the Landes. José Juan Cejudo Flores and his fellow diver ecological volunteers also try to keep the beaches clean in Acapulco and to extract solid waste from the seabed.

Discover with our partner Brut, how these three citizen initiatives are mobilizing against pollution of the seas.


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VIDEO. The Canadian sea otter, or the story of a paying comeback

  • Mexico
  • Denmark
  • Sea
  • Planet
  • Pollution
  • Video