[Commentary] On July 17, the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region held the 6th Legislative Council Review Working Meeting. The chairman of the Legislative Council, Liang Junyan, said at the meeting that the SAR Government submitted a total of 90 bills to the current Legislative Council, and 73 of them have been passed so far; but the Legislative Council has also encountered many unprecedented problems and challenges, including the destruction of buildings and parliamentarians. Serious disruption of order, disqualification of a member of parliament, etc.

  [Commentary] Liang Junyan said that the number of hours in this session is less than in the past two sessions. There are three main reasons.

  [Same period] Hong Kong Legislative Council Chairman Liang Junyan

  This regular meeting has not been held the most frequently, because the Legislative Council Building was hit and destroyed by unprecedented demonstrators in 2019; and the severe severity of the "2019 New Crown Pneumonia" epidemic in 2020; and in view of the 2020 House Committee until 5 The chairman was selected only in May, during which there was no deputy chairman to share my presidency of the Legislative Council.

  [Explanation] Liang Junyan said that the current legislative session is from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2020. As of July 16, a total of 141 meetings were held, with a total meeting time of approximately 1711 hours. The order of the current Legislative Council meeting has deteriorated significantly, and many members of the council have seriously disrupted the order and have bad means. Opposition MPs Xu Zhifeng, Chen Zhiquan and Zhu Kaidi once spilled foul-smelling objects in the Legislative Council to hinder the meeting. In this session of the Legislative Council, there were 10 motions that condemned other members according to the "Rules of Procedure", which was also the most in the past. Three items have been submitted to the commission of inquiry and submitted a report to the Legislative Council.

  [Same period] Hong Kong Legislative Council Chairman Liang Junyan

  This year’s Legislative Council members were ordered to withdraw immediately 97 times because of “very bad conduct”, which is obviously more than 75 times last time; the 25 members involved are not only more than 7 last time, but more most. Some members even spewed foul and unknown objects on the meeting venue during the 2 meetings, which forced the meeting to be suspended or the venue needed to be changed to continue the meeting.

  [Commentary] Liang Junyan also mentioned that 6 members of the current Legislative Council were ruled invalid by the court and disqualified as members; in addition, 2 members were ruled by the court and were not properly elected in the by-election of the Legislative Council. Members again; these are the first occurrences since the establishment of the Hong Kong SAR Legislative Council.

  Reporter Zheng Haoxi from Hong Kong

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]