A video of officials at a Japanese amusement park about how to "scream inside the heart" to avoid spreading Covid-19 disease during a roller coaster ride was a very big success. 

"Our customers have become silent while riding rollercoaster," after they watched the video on how to behave during a roller coaster ride in the time of Corona, "Agence France-Presse" quoted a spokesperson for the company, "Fujikyoku", which operates amusement parks.

The video showed park officials sitting silently while the only sounds coming out of the air and a rollercoaster noise.

While the Afouaniya sinks downward, one of the officials quietly relaxes his hair and adjusts the muzzle position on his mouth, but the two remain silent, even when they stagger Yemeni and Northward vigorously with the movements of the Afghani.

At the end of the adventure, one of the two men raises his hands from the knob of the knot while shivering slightly. This is followed by a black screen that reads "Shout inside your heart" and some social media pioneers considered it a suitable slogan for the year 2020.

The video was released for the first time last month with the start of easing restrictions in the fight against the emerging corona virus, while amusement parks asked their pioneers to avoid screaming and maintain social distance.

"Although the Amusement Park directives demand that we refrain from speaking out loud, we have received complaints that it is difficult or even impossible, so Fujikyu Highland provides a good example," the operator said on its website, commenting on the video.

The park promised its customers, who were able to suppress their screaming, decisively on the photos taken on the famous snake in which the passengers dive for more than 71 meters.