Elderly people who do not smile 1.4 times the risk of needing nursing care Nagoya University etc. July 16 5:41


Studies such as Nagoya University have found that elderly people who do not laugh have a 1.4 times higher risk of requiring care than elderly people who laugh daily. According to the research group, this kind of research is the first in the world.

A research group such as Associate Professor Takeuchi Kenji of Nagoya University Graduate School of Preventive Medicine has tracked more than 14,000 elderly people who have not been cared for for three years, and frequently laughed out loud in their daily lives and their subsequent care. We analyzed the need and association with mortality.

As a result, the elderly who hardly laugh were 1.4 times more likely than the elderly who laugh almost every day to need nursing care of "need care 2" or higher, which makes it impossible for them to do their own activities alone. The frequency of laughter was not associated with death.

Regarding the effect of laughter, it was reported that those who hardly laugh have a higher rate of stroke and heart disease than those who laugh often, but if the frequency of laughter is low, the risk of needing care is increased. This is the first research in the world that has revealed an increase.

Associate professor Takeuchi said, "In order to reduce the risk of needing nursing care, I would like elderly people to have the opportunity to find something they like and laugh, and the government and local governments may find that elderly people naturally laugh. I want them to work on creating an environment."