At 6:38 on July 12, an earthquake of magnitude 5.1 occurred in Guye District, Tangshan City, Hebei Province. According to the China Earthquake Networks Quick Report Catalogue, there have been 17 earthquakes of magnitude 3 and above in the past 5 years within 200 kilometers of the epicenter. This earthquake is the 17th largest earthquake. The Continental Earthquake Early Warning Network jointly established by the Chengdu Institute of High-Tech Disaster Mitigation and the Emergency Management Department successfully alerted the earthquake, giving Tangshan a 3-second early warning and Tianjin a 33-second early warning. Users of mobile phones, TVs, Internet TVs, and mobile APPs that have earthquake warning functions in the vicinity of the epicenter have received earthquake warning information in advance, and some people in Beijing and Tianjin received the warning 30 seconds in advance.

  It is reported that the mainland earthquake warning network is a warning time of 3 seconds in Tangshan City, 26 kilometers from the epicenter, with an estimated intensity of 4.2 degrees, and a strong sensation; Qinhuangdao City, 99 kilometers away from the epicenter, has a warning time of 24 seconds, and an estimated intensity of 2.5 degrees, slightly Earthquake; Tianjin City, 131 kilometers away from the epicenter, has an early warning time of 33 seconds and an estimated intensity of 2.1 degrees, with a slight earthquake sensation; Chengde City, 143 kilometers away from the epicenter, has an early warning time of 36 seconds and an estimated intensity of 2.0 degrees. (Reporter Yang Yubin edited Guo Shihao)

Editor in charge: [Zhou Zhaojun]