Millions of elementary and middle school students in Beijing are going to take summer vacation today

  Reporter Liu Mian

  Today, millions of elementary and middle school students in the city are scheduled for summer vacation. Affected by the epidemic, I am afraid that there will be fewer plans to go out for the summer vacation this year. In multi-school summer homework, students are encouraged to “walk thousands of miles” by reading books, practicing at home, etc. to broaden their horizons. Teachers of various schools will also "meet" students with "cloud home visits" and other methods to accompany them to spend the summer holidays happily and safely. The Municipal Education Commission requires all districts and schools to carefully summarize the experience of online and offline teaching and campus epidemic prevention and control since the outbreak, and do all the preparations before returning to school in the fall semester of 2020.

  Holidays must still be healthy "punch"

  This summer, epidemic prevention is still the key word. Reporting your health every day becomes a "summer vacation assignment" that must be completed.

  Mr. Wang’s children were in the fifth grade in Dongcheng District’s elementary school. He said: “Although the holiday is off, the school still requires a healthy “punch card” in the morning and afternoon to record the child’s health. The school also reminds parents not to take When children leave Beijing, they should take personal protection during the holidays and don't relax their vigilance."

  Many primary and secondary schools in Dongcheng District, Xicheng District and Haidian District require that during the summer vacation students should regularly report whether they and their family members are sick, such as fever, cough, diarrhea and other symptoms; whether the family members have returned to Beijing; whether they have been contacted There are other people who leave Beijing, leave the country or are unwell. Some schools have made it clear that if children need to leave Beijing, they need to report to the class teacher a few days in advance.

  The Municipal Education Commission requires all districts and schools to strictly implement the epidemic prevention and control requirements during the summer. It is recommended that students should not leave Beijing if necessary, and scientifically and reasonably arrange summer students’ study and life, cooperate with the community and school health monitoring requirements, reduce outings, and insist on not dining together Party, don't gather.

 Witness the wonder of nature without leaving the community

  Although there is less chance to go out, home can also witness the wonder of nature.

  The Xinqiao Road Middle School in Mentougou District provides students with a wealth of summer vacation assignments that can be completed without leaving the community. For example, you can do physical work in the kitchen-use drinking water and cooking oil to understand the density of the substance, and use the process of blowing the balloon and the exhaust of the balloon to understand the reverse thrust. Walking in the community can complete geographic operations-to judge the actual direction by observing the characteristics of the natural landscape, to observe and record the sunrise and sunset times to feel the changes in the length of day and night, and to understand the rotation and revolution of the earth. The school teacher introduced that each grade combined with the characteristics of the subject, arranged creative homework, such as participating in the "waste sorting starts from me" practice activities, learning to do a housework, writing a small poem ... so that students can not come out From afar, you can also feel the joy of holidays.

  The summer vacation homework of Jingyuan School Lianshihu Branch includes several contents such as "Summer Plan", "Love Reading", "Love Movement", "War Epidemic Poster", "I will fight against the epidemic", "Everyone has special skills", and "Housework". Students at home can also enrich themselves in terms of art, science, labor, reading, physical exercise, etc., and spend a productive vacation.

  Broaden your horizons by reading

  Reading, you can stay still and travel far. Many schools have arranged reading assignments for students, expecting their children to broaden their horizons in reading.

  In addition to opening a bibliography, various schools also set up a stage for students to display reading achievements in various ways.

  For example, the second grade students of Gucheng Middle School not only have to read the full text of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, but also present each part in the form of mind maps. The high school students of this school should choose a book with a brief history of social development to read and present the course of human social development in the form of coordinate axes.

  On the basis of reading, high school students in Beijing Jingshan School's Ocean School should write a "comfortable report", sort out the time road map of my country's poverty alleviation policy, and make suggestions for the development of the motherland.

  Not only are students reading, but many schools have also arranged reading assignments for parents to encourage families to read.

  "Yunjia Interview" pays attention to every student

  Affected by the epidemic, primary and middle school students have experienced a long period of homestay this year, and opportunities for communication with teachers have diminished. During the summer vacation, Mentougou District, Shijingshan District and other districts will launch a full-coverage "home visit to the cloud". Teachers and students are required to "meet" to pay attention to student growth.

  Mentougou District Board of Education introduced that during the summer vacation, teachers from each school should conduct a one-on-one online home visit to each student, and the principal and other school leaders should take the lead in participating. Through the "cloud home visit" to fully understand the student's family situation, growth environment, performance at home, learning and living habits, and discuss with parents to promote the healthy development of education strategies for students. At the same time, class teachers and related professional teachers will work with parents to develop personalized co-education programs for children in need.