There have been many allegations that wearing masks that are used to reduce the spread and transmission of the emerging corona virus leads to brain damage as a result of the lack of oxygen reached by carbon dioxide buildup, according to the British Daily Mail website.

University of East Anglia professor Paul Hunter responds that some concerns have a scientific basis, but they are often linked to studies of a specific type of mask known as the N95 rather than medical masks made from medical or ordinary fabrics.

Where some health workers wear N95 masks because they feel short of breath or headaches and confusion, and in extreme cases, arrhythmias, but these symptoms cannot be considered excessive carbon dioxide, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that any accumulation can be eliminated To carbon dioxide simply by inserting some air.

In this regard, the World Health Organization says that face masks will not lead to health problems if worn properly.

For suggestions that say that face caps can cause heart palpitations, or raise blood pressure, it is probably because of the psychological effects of wearing the mask.