I went to a barber in a mall, and he was of Arab nationality, and this is the first time that I have returned to an Arab barber five years ago. After a silence of no more than a minute, he told me the story of his life, and soon he entered politics.

A question that confuses me, I am the poor person who delivered my head to this barber: Were some political analysts, who appear on Arab TV channels, were barbers in the first place ?!

Why do Arab hairdressers talk about politics or art with someone they interact with for the first time? There is nothing wrong if there is a friendly relationship between a customer who deals permanently with a barber, but the man saw me for the first time and decided to open a political issue with me, without knowing anything about me.

In the past 33 years, I passed on many Asian and Arab hairdressers, the Asian does not talk to me much because of the language barrier, and he occupies himself by watching his country’s channel on TV hanging over my head, or exchanging conversation with a colleague.

This is for me, because there is a significant proportion of the country's citizens who either speak the language of the Asian barber, or use the broken Arabic that he understands, and I do not know if the Asians are fond of political conversations as well as Arabs. I will not exaggerate if I say that I never exchanged any conversation with a non-Arab barber, except for two very influential words that an Asian barber said to me next to my house four months ago: Corona is a problem!

My problem with Asian hairdressers turned into a knot, when I went to one of them during high school, and when he said to me: "Only a light one?", I understood that he wanted to shorten my hair and agreed immediately. But I was shocked when the machine lightened it to me at lightning speed, until my baldness slowed at the height of my teenager!

I decided immediately to deal with Arab hairdressers, and that was in the mid-nineties, and these of course were the ones who tried to educate me politically, as I had no interest in politics, and they also boasted a lot of art and criticism, and they gave many artistic ideas to Arab song directors, and they described the poetry of Arab artists, The likes of Rashid Al Majid, who was going through a golden age at the time.

One of them was hanging the photo of that artist - which was a gift distributed with the wonderful album entitled "The Traveler" 1996 - on the door of the store, and he says he is from the hair of Rashid Al-Majid. He might be right, but he didn't show any evidence like a picture that brought them together.

From the mid-1990s until 2015, I dealt with Arab hairdressers, who cast their marks on art, politics, history, and even archeology and geology. This is a speech I used to tend to believe at the beginning, then with my maturity over the years and my readings in the areas that concern me, I began to insert it from one ear and take it from another, especially the conspiracy theories that I cannot hear.

In Arabic: I don’t forget the barber who told me the story of the theft, which happened in his shop by one of his employees, who opened another store for him, and then he began to list conspiracy theories about Israel as the Arabs do.

I do not know who plotted against him, the worker who was stolen by the mother of Israel, because the two subjects are very close to his tongue!


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I do not forget the barber, who told me the story of the theft that took place in his shop by one of his employees, who opened another store for him, then he began to list the conspiracy theories.