The blind date corner of Shenzhen Lotus Mountain Park.

Mothers squatting at the blind date.

  The blind date corner in Shenzhen Lotus Mountain Park is the most well-known marriage place in Shenzhen. Many parents will come here to help their children blind date. Even during the epidemic, it is difficult to prevent parents from worrying about their children's lifelong events. Aunt Zhou, 55, has been squatting in the blind date corner for 3 years. Although affected by the epidemic this year, she has been "punching" around the blind date corner every day since April to continue searching for her daughter. Aunt Zhou said with a smile, because her daughter's blind date was delayed for half a year because of the epidemic, her hair would be pale. Now that the epidemic situation has improved, she has to make up for the time lost due to the epidemic situation. She firmly believes that her daughter can find a suitable target this year.

  Text, Picture/Guangzhou Daily Full Media Reporter Xiao Huanhuan Intern Hong Dou

  Affected by the epidemic, the Lotus Hill Park Management Office temporarily closed the blind date corner from February 2nd to prevent crowds from gathering. The original blind date information of the blind date corner has been removed; now, the area next to the blind date corner has become A new blind date corner. According to an announcement issued by the Lotus Mountain Park Management Office on June 5, the park is relocating and rebuilding a pro-horn. A staff member of the Park Management Office said that the epidemic situation has improved, and there are obviously more parents who have blind date for their children.

"Hair is white"

  Recently, the reporter came to the blind date corner of Lianhuashan Park. In the afternoon, parents who came to find objects for their children were in constant flow, and the scene was full of people. On the branches, blind date "resumes" of single men and women are hung, including information such as education, age, income, property, work, and requirements for the other half of the future. Judging from the resume of the blind date, men and women who come to the blind date are not lacking in elites from all walks of life, such as returnees, doctors, state-owned enterprise management, bank managers, flight attendants, etc. It is rare to see young people here, most of whom are parents who blind date for their children.

  The reporter saw that the parents at the scene were wearing masks and browsing the information on the "CV" one by one. If they found it appropriate, they would take a pen to record it, or take it with their mobile phones. If both parents happen to be on the scene, or if there is a child directly leading them, they will find a quiet place to sit down and talk in detail. And whenever a blind date corner has a new "Resume" hanging up, parents will grab it and check it out.

  At the scene, the stylishly dressed Aunt Zhou was particularly eye-catching. She was wearing high heels, sitting on a bench, and exchanged experiences with other parents on blind date for her daughter. In addition to wearing a mask, Aunt Zhou also wears a pair of sunglasses, which she said is to avoid being recognized by acquaintances.

  Aunt Zhou said that her daughter Xiaojing is 30 years old and works in a company in Shenzhen. She said that the outbreak had a great impact on her daughter’s blind date. The blind date corner of Lianhuashan Park has not been officially opened until May; but the epidemic is also difficult Preventing parents from worrying about their children, many people continue to place materials on the big trees or stone platforms around the blind date corner to find objects for their children.

  Aunt Zhou said that even during the epidemic, she was not idle. Although the blind date corner in the park does not allow gathering, everyone is still in the vicinity of the blind date corner. Parents hold the children's information in their hands and continue to try their luck for the children. "My daughter's blind date was delayed by the epidemic for half a year, and my hair was pale." Aunt Zhou said.

Squatting for blind date all day

  Because this year's epidemic delayed the progress of her daughter's blind date, Aunt Zhou has been particularly active recently, and it has become her regular task to go to the park to "check in" for her daughter. She said that the time delayed by the epidemic should be taken back. "She always said that she was not in a hurry, but I am such a daughter, can I do it in a hurry? I am embarrassed to see my few good sisters, they ask Xiaojing's marriage every time they meet." From this year 4 At the beginning of the month, as the epidemic situation improved, Aunt Zhou came to the park at 9 am every day, brought water and food, and stayed near the blind date corner for a whole day. Whenever a new blind date message hangs on the branch, Aunt Zhou has to step forward and take a closer look.

  Aunt Zhou said frankly that there is no shortage of outstanding young men in the blind date corner of Lianhuashan Park. She has been dating her daughter for 3 years and has encountered two men and daughters who are more suitable. However, after a brief relationship between the two sides, it still felt inappropriate. One of the men was in good condition in all aspects, but the daughter thought that the height of the other party was not "standard", which made her feel very sorry. "The fate may be a little bit worse, and I'm still going to stick to it."

  Aunt Zhou lamented that her daughter was quite popular in the blind date corner three years ago. But now that she is over 30 years old, she obviously feels that her daughter's attention is not as good as before. "It can be seen from the number of calls received. In the past, many calls were received, but now there are fewer calls."

  Aunt Zhou told reporters that it has been 3 years since he came to the blind date to replace his daughter, but he has never found a suitable one. But she said that there will always be gains every day, at least some information can be collected, and more opportunities can be discovered.

  Seeing a man wearing glasses sitting on the stone bench in the park for a while, Aunt Zhou stepped forward to talk to him. Chen Bo said that his son was born in 1990. He is 30 years old and has a master's degree. He has worked in a high-tech enterprise in Shenzhen for 5 years and has an annual income of about 300,000 yuan. "My younger brother and younger sister are embracing grandchildren, and I haven't settled yet. My son always said not to be anxious or not. I have urged him for two years. He is not anxious or anxious." Happening. "My daughter is very beautiful and has a master's degree. She is well-matched with your son. She has no special requirements. She asked the other party to be more than 1.75 meters and went to university." Aunt Zhou said while turning on the phone, flipping the photo of the daughter in the phone Show him. After learning the age of Aunt Zhou's daughter, the originally enthusiastic Chen Burton was not interested. "My son wants to find someone younger than him."

  Seeing Aunt Zhou chatting with Chen Bo, several other aunts also gathered around him. "My daughter is also pretty good. In 1992, she was younger than your son and had a stable job. She also bought a house. She is the only daughter and has no burden. Our two old people have pensions." Come on next."

  "You look around. His son is suitable for your daughter. In 1988, he is also a master. He is also very anxious to get married." An aunt told Aunt Zhou enthusiastically, and Aunt Zhou smiled happily and walked away.

I firmly believe that my daughter can take off this year

  I often come to the blind date corner. Aunt Zhou can also meet many familiar parents here, "Do you have a suitable boy there, help me pay attention." Aunt Zhou and another parent completed a round of "information exchange" .

  Aunt Zhou said that the competition in the blind date market is also very fierce, and parents can sometimes add points for blind dates for their children. For example, parents know the books and rituals, and they talk well, at least giving each other the impression that they are "good at home tutoring." "So I clean myself up a little bit every time I come out," she said with a smile.

  While there were few people, Aunt Zhou talked about her "blind date" again. She said that many girls felt that they were very young when they were 28 years old. When they turned to 30 years old, they suddenly felt pressure, on the one hand from the pressure of the parents, on the other hand from the pressure of the surrounding environment. In her view, if a girl is not married at the age of 30, it will be much more difficult to find someone at the blind date. "You have to come when you are young to have more opportunities. If you are too old, the information may be there for a week. No one will call or add WeChat. So come to the blind date as soon as possible. Look at the information on the Basically, everything here is very good. It’s only because of the age that parents are really in a hurry to come over for their blind date."

  Aunt Zhou said that after experiencing the epidemic, she also felt some subtle changes in her daughter's outlook on marriage and love. "Daughter said that after experiencing the epidemic, she particularly wanted to get married and especially wanted to be accompanied by someone. I think she might have lowered the requirements." Aunt Zhou said that her daughter's conditions are so good, as long as her requirements are slightly relaxed, she I firmly believe that my daughter can find a suitable target this year. Because as far as she knows, there are also many people who find the other half through the blind date in this park.