Immediately after the adoption of constitutional amendments, it was announced about the upcoming big work to bring the laws of the country in line with the transformed Constitution. The most important of these areas is the protection of territorial integrity and the categorical prohibition of alienation of territories and speculation around it.

State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin has already sent the relevant bill on the protection of the country's territorial integrity to the relevant committee. It is indicated as a priority. In the near future it will be considered by the lower house of parliament in the first reading.

With the adoption of the bill, calls for the alienation of part of the country's territory will be equated with extremism. But how else can there be any discussions on this subject? According to the speaker of the State Duma, “the amendments bring the legislation on countering extremism in accordance with the new norms of the Constitution. The initiative is aimed at ensuring security, protecting and strengthening our sovereignty. ”

Initially, this kind of calls will be followed by administrative punishment, and the relapse will go already into the plane of criminal law.

In all of this, again, one can see a cure for the legacy of the decay era, when the new Russia was hastily jumping into its new quality, not paying attention to huge territorial losses. The very same problem of Crimea was then very sharply posed, or rather, it was simply waved at it. Not before that. The new statehood is being cut down, territories are slipping to the sides with chips. When they realized it, they realized that they could no longer do anything, and were not capable of it. The writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn then grieved very much about this, describing Russia in a collapse.

At one time, a line of idle reasoning was very popular that Russian territories are redundant and a burden. They said so in the continuation of perestroika demagogy that it is worth dropping the burden of the Union republics, so Russia will heal richly and freely. It is no coincidence that in a similar manner they talked about children. They pondered over to a serious demographic problem, which now needs to be fixed. So with the territories: even if they did not lose them anymore, they began to move into a state of abandonment and desert. And public opinion was irradiated with speeches about their uselessness, about a non-united Russia, and through this they came out to affirm disadvantage and inefficiency. What is left to do? On the rolled hyperpragmatic channel to optimize including the territory? ..

Russian Optimization Project - What Does It Sound?!.

But this was not nonsense at all, and the image of shagreen skin all tried to apply to the country, imposing the idea of ​​such a narrowing regularity of processes.

They constantly tried to turn the issue of territories into a discussion field, emphasizing that the territorial losses of the decay era are a natural development of events. One can recall the sadly anecdotal statements of the progressive journalist Evgenia Albats that there are no problems if Russia loses its territory beyond the Urals. Before her, HSE professor Sergei Medvedev similarly became famous, speaking about the Arctic, that it must be taken from Russia and transferred to international jurisdiction.

Speculative circles are regularly drawn up about the transfer of the Kuril Islands to Japan. There are many examples - from Kaliningrad to the Far East, and all of them fit into the line of the relay race of decay and new perestroika.

The main message is to give, and with it to betray. To instill a sense of fragmentation. We do not need, we are weak, it is hard for us with our vastness. We are small and should be even smaller and not protrude due to our baseboard. Know your hearth. The cause of the collapse is not completed, when the entire civilizational building, lovingly built by centuries-old work, should crumble ...

So they hypnotized methodically and persistently, inspiring the thought that if you cut it off and then sew it in, then the territorial dress will fit us, but for now we get confused in its floors ...

After the return of Crimea in 2014, the issue of territories became a matter of principle and left the format of exclusively speculative demagogues aimed at formatting minds. Then it became clear that the “Russian spring” is directly connected with the territory and with the fundamental overcoming of the vector of narrowing and reduction. With the return of Crimea, Russia recalled itself.

The thing is that the territory of the country is not just outlines on the map, not just square kilometers, but a substantial concept for domestic civilization. Her one body, her breath, which produces the energy of life.

This is a key dominant of Russian national consciousness. It is imperative that instead of a chorus of talks about a united Russia, about space as a heavy burden and curse of the country, about the habitat of the eternal Russian Leviathan, now the emphasis is placed on the fact that this is a country of great and limitless possibilities and it will not be given to anyone . Through the realization of this, man also becomes larger.

Now the state and society, which voted for the amendments, clearly indicated that the discussion on the same Crimea should be stopped. Firstly, because there live people who voted for reunification, and secondly, all 23 years without the Crimea and Russia felt inferior, there was a painful complex of significant loss, glaring injustice and historical betrayal, which haunted.

Of course, the current legislative emphasis on the protection of territorial integrity is not entirely crime-centric, but it is the most painful issue through which confusion is launched into Russian society. The primacy of integrity is also aimed at preventing possible speculation in the future, and with it shocks. We must not forget about many hunters before this or that “Kemsky volost”, and also that there are those who are ready to exclaim from their bounty: “Let them take them to their health ...”, or they can arrange a bargain.

A country cannot be smaller, but only larger. And the point here is not the proclamation of the line of expansion, but in life, in the attractiveness of Russia. Point.

Moreover, we are talking not only about saving, comprehending the immutable value of our land, but also about comprehending, its new development. And this is also a question of integrity and overcoming fragmentation viruses.

The current transformation of the Constitution clearly outlined the foundation of our axiology, the architecture of Russian civilization, which must be upheld, protected and developed. Especially bearing in mind how quite recently all this was shaken, writhing up, cast a shadow over the wattle fence and presented as black as white. When the country did not care about anything, everyone lived one day and with the principle of "burn everything with a blue flame." Now a line is drawn under all this.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.