Tutoring now adult content: how to protect children's information security

  Recently, an app called "Little Belly" has caused an uproar among many parents. The reason is that a parent found that the social chat software in the tutoring machine, which is positioned as "super fun after 00", contains "adult content" that is not suitable for children to watch.

  At present, the "little belly" software has been taken off the shelf urgently. The developer said that the problem "may be caused by censorship negligence". Subject to the algorithm level of machine recognition, it is inevitable that there are content "leakage fish", and manual processing takes time. According to the Android application store, the App has been downloaded 6.573 million. In the face of such a large user group, the explanation of "censorship negligence" is too pale and weak. For the content review of minor groups, we should break the technical dependence. Collaborate with multiple forces to create a content ecology that is fresh and upright.

  According to the "National Research Report on Internet Use by Minors in 2019" jointly released by the Youth League Department of the Communist Youth League and the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), the scale of minor Internet users in China is 175 million in 2019, and the Internet of minors is popular The rate reached 93.1%. The penetration of the Internet into the younger age groups continues to increase, and 32.9% of primary school netizens started using the Internet before school age.

  At present, there are more and more network information products and services for minors on the market, including early education, games, social networking, etc., such network information has a wide range and many types. Due to the particularity of the target group, related network content supervision and management and targeted protection mechanisms should have higher requirements.

  Preventing the emergence of prohibited content is the primary requirement of minors’ ecological governance. Minors are at a critical stage of exploring the world, full of curiosity, and lack of ability to discern, even because of the rebellious psychology of "can't help but not act" and "more and more forbidden" Explore desire. These contents are often able to attract and appeal to children because of stimulation and singularity. Self-discipline is sometimes difficult to play a role in the face of this information. If spread among peers, the derived topicality and sense of sharing will accelerate the process of spreading. Only by fundamentally cutting off the chain of production and dissemination of prohibited content can minors be better protected from the erosion of toxic content.

  The coordination of manual review is the key to handling prohibited information. As a more efficient and lower-cost audit method, machine identification has become the main force of Internet content security audit. But what we cannot deny is that the current machine recognition level is too difficult for many contents to review, and the recognition effect is inaccurate: such as the deformation, sound change, and direct naked display of rough content carried in the text; the bloody, common in the pictures, Ironically, suggestive content orientation, etc. These contents are just the "heavy disaster areas" of bad content. Therefore, we can't have too high expectations for machine algorithms, we must strengthen the manual review and improve the review standards.

  Family guidance and supervision are an indispensable part of content security protection. The post-00 generations who are aboriginals of the Internet can learn to access the Internet almost without a teacher, but what they lack is the necessary ability to identify network risks. Many parents often use a mobile phone to calm down "bear kids", but it is also easy to expose them to the dangers of cyberspace. Therefore, even when playing mobile phones, parental companionship and guidance are also indispensable. Parents need to reasonably guide their children's interests and avoid unhealthy content in a timely manner.

  The Law on the Protection of Minors under consideration specifically proposes network protection against minors. Experts recommend adding an improved access system to network information products and services for minors in Article 64 Supervision of products and services. We also look forward to the fact that under the top-level design, we can work together to create a healthy, civilized, and orderly network environment, resist bad abuse, and provide more growth power for minors.

  Chang Fei Source: China Youth Daily