The world splits into two camps, and people need to decide which side they are on. Those who sympathize with the globalists who organize all these feuds and unrest are misguided people who are helping to bring the new world order closer.

Over the past 50 years, if not all destructive events (both taking place and potential ones), then most certainly such events came from the left, were inspired by them or were the result of their manipulations. The right-wing militias, whom the mainstream media love to intimidate, never took to the streets and did not start arson and looting.

I have heard or read about what they say about the commission of an act of hatred, but these acts themselves never materialize. Oh-oh, I don’t even know if I should trust the studies of the left warning about the impending neo-Nazi apocalypse?

As always, the purpose of such studies, prepared by left-wing experts, is not to inform, but to manipulate.

And this is not only about scientific research. I am a big fan of detective novels. In the last three novels that I read, the negative characters were advocates of white superiority. The last was a new book about Lucas Davenport from the Victim series. This, of course, is an absurd situation - popular fiction is now used as an advertisement for the Democratic Party. I won’t be surprised if I find out that there are more authors with left-wing views (are there other views?) Who write about white supremacists than white supremacists themselves.

Democrats have long realized that Joseph Goebbels is a role model.

Repeat something again and again - and this will eventually become true. And I think ordinary voters are finally beginning to understand this.

When analyzing the methodology and tactics of the left, it is always useful to remember that they constantly lie about everything. Especially leftists lie to themselves and can often adhere to two conflicting and mutually exclusive ideas. The resulting cognitive dissonance, of course, will scare away from left-wing approaches to solving the most acute problems of mankind anyone who has a fairly strong connection with reality. For the left themselves, this connection is initially so weak that they simply do not notice any dissonance.

Abnormal becomes normal. Fear and hatred in relation to half of the American population ... Repeat your thought a sufficient number of times, hammer it long enough, and "believers" will believe ...

Demonize, demonize, demonize. That's exactly what they do. In particular, I like it when they brand people as “ultra-right”, despite the fact that they themselves adhere to a left-wing ideology of such a sense that they simply look like some kind of neo-national socialists ...

I can argue that if you add up all the violence on the part of the left and right over the past few decades, the proportion will be approximately the following: 90% are left and 10% are right.

They will support and justify everything that is done to us - until, of course, until they are followed by revolutionary fighters for social justice after they cease to be useful or are recognized as uncomfortable or annoying elements.

You probably ask: "Wayne, what led you to this point of view?" So, the fact is that a few weeks ago I lost a close friend. My family was very warm and respectful to this man who was distinguished by kindness and generosity. And no, this man did not die - he simply broke our friendship, because I am a
conservative, and he is a liberal. But the pain of this is no less ...

I realized that it’s difficult to end a relationship with a person you have been friends with all my life, but I concluded that in a situation where for the most part only one side is working on maintaining friendship, the realization that that this friendship is not quite what it seemed at first. Over the years, wake-up calls go unnoticed. For us to finally open our eyes here, some shock is required. We condone this or that behavior until it becomes unbearable to put up with it. Democratic friends do not want to hear any opinion other than their own. They live in some kind of bubble.

I used to like to discuss different topics with people who disagree with my point of view. This often allowed me to get a different look at a particular issue, and sometimes as a result I changed my own opinion. But I realized that you cannot operate on facts in a dispute with those who operate on emotions. When you say that twice two is four, and they have a feeling that there should be five, although they cannot provide any evidence for this, it’s time to change the subject.

It seems that a split is beginning in the country and in the end everyone will have to choose which side they are on.

Here's the problem: I don’t think that the left has a clear idea of ​​which side they are on, because they have either been completely brainwashed, or they simply don’t understand what long-term consequences actually await us if their side takes over.

They act only as minions or “useful idiots” of globalists - supporters of a new world order, who are behind all these strife and unrest and whose ultimate goal is the domination of a small elite throughout the world within some kind of global communist system, which is almost certain will be a tyranny of high technology, similar to what we see now in China, but probably even worse.

The only task of our side is to fight as hard as possible to prevent this from happening. I personally think that all other issues in comparison with this simply fade.

Here's an idea ... Instead of depriving the police of funding, let us take away the financing of left-wing universities, because of which our children and friends are subjected to this indoctrination. Maybe then a better future awaits us.

I know that in this article I criticize precisely the left side of the political spectrum, and you can probably think that I ultimately contradict myself. I can assure you that in the future you will hear a lot more from me regarding my dissatisfaction with the political leaders of the right and those purely symbolic, in fact, hardly implemented measures to establish relations with minorities. I once was a member of the Democratic Party (until 2007), so I can judge both those and others - which, in fact, I intend to do in the future.

Author's site: Twitter: @WayneDupreeShow.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.