Deputies of the Russian State Duma unanimously adopted an appeal to their colleagues, deputies of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, in connection with the consideration by the authorities of this country of the issue of returning the status of a mosque to the Hagia Sophia Museum in Istanbul. The document, in particular, states that we are talking about "an outstanding monument of Byzantine architecture, a world masterpiece included in the UNESCO World Heritage List."

“The deputies of the State Duma are convinced that it is necessary to take all possible steps to prevent damage that could be caused by a hasty change in the status of a world-wide museum,” the appeal says. 

According to unofficial data, the State Council allowed Erdogan to change the status of Hagia Sophia by his decree - just like Ataturk in 1935 made a museum out of a mosque.

The Turkish media hint that, they say, nobody wants to offend Russia and Christians in general, this is just the answer of Greece, which “brazenly intervenes” in Turkey’s internal affairs.

But Hagia Sophia is not just one of the temples that became a mosque after the Ottoman conquest. And this is not only the main cathedral of Eastern Christianity. This is a temple, after visiting which the ambassadors of Prince Vladimir made a choice in favor of Orthodoxy: "They did not know where we are - in heaven or on earth."

And from this shrine revered by hundreds of millions of people, Erdogan is trying to make a bargaining chip. This, apparently, the Americans have introduced this fashion today: to solve political issues through religion. First, Ukraine with the Tomos, then Montenegro with anti-church law and schism, and today Turkey. In a different connotation, of course. However, the same topic, side view.

And by the way, again, the United States could not do without influence. Last year, Erdogan talked about turning Sofia into a mosque again, a Greek theme surfaced later. First, he chose Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. It is clear that de facto this is already recognized by most countries of the world, but de jure Muslims got a reason to insult - and, of course, took advantage of it.

What is most worrying about what is happening is that humanity seems to have lost all sorts of borders, frames, red lines and double stripes in resolving conflict situations. And let's try it this way! And let's get it! And let's ban what has been possible from time immemorial? And now let’s resolve what was always impossible!

This is exactly the worst thing - when everything is possible. When centuries-old foundations are violated, the current state of affairs is deliberately destroyed.

Previously, this happened during wars and revolutions, when conquerors or revolutionaries, that is, external agents of change, were engaged in destruction.

What now? The rulers themselves solve their absolutely momentary tasks at a cost of a couple of percent of the rating, while opening the Pandora’s box, laying powerful mines for their own states and the world order as a whole.

It is impossible to constantly tease fate, waving before her nose not even a red scarf, but a huge scarlet sheet.

Today, unfortunately, in places and at the highest level, a deep understanding of the significance of spiritual issues for a healthy, stable and progressive development of society has been lost in many respects. The archetypes of consciousness on which the well-being of people is based are not taken into account. Those who rule such significant processes perceive religion and religious symbols as just another instrument of their struggle, the same as gas, oil, various weapons, in a word, for them it is a material subject for resolving material disputes.

But this is a catastrophic mistake. Having made Hagia Sophia a mosque, Erdogan will annoy not only Greece. It will ruin relations with the entire Orthodox world. I believe that this signal also will not pass by Christian Europe. In any case, it will be a clear signal: religious identity issues are coming to the fore today, and those who are unable to protect themselves will suffer losses and lose face.

Hagia Sophia is the greatest symbol, one of the most powerful stones in the foundation of Christian civilization. No need to play with such things, it is dangerous.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.