A recent American study revealed that the most recent "Corona" virus is hidden inside the house.

According to the study published by the American Society of Microbiology, it is possible that your bed is the most prominent host of coronavirus particles in the event that you conceive of the disease, especially on the pillow and bed linen, according to "Best Life".

Research shows that up to 45% of all cases (Covid-19) do not show symptoms, which means that you may be infected with the virus but do not show any signs, and in the meantime you may cause others to contract the disease by leaving drops they pick up on the surfaces that touch them Or breathe.

The researchers gathered the authors of the recent study, samples from hospital rooms for patients "Corona" virus in Chengdu, China, and discovered that 40% of their surfaces were contaminated with (Covid-19), and they identified the 3 most polluted sites in the patients' rooms, the beds were 54% and pillows ( 50%) and bed sheets (50%).

The scientists pointed out that the samples that they tested were taken from hospital rooms that were cleaned and disinfected by the nurses twice a day, so what about the contaminated bed inside a room that was not nearly sterilized.

Another study also showed similar results published in the Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases, which revealed how quickly people became infected with (Covid-19) in a hotel room in less than 24 hours, and this study also revealed high viral loads of contaminated new "Corona" virus drops Especially on pillowcases and lids.

The authors of the two studies say that their findings demonstrate the critical importance of properly cleaning and disinfecting bedding, while the American Academy of Dermatology generally recommends washing sheets once a week and changing pillows two to three times a week.

They advised that if you spend the night in a friend's house or in a hotel amid the spread of the new "Corona" epidemic, it is preferable to bring your bedding accessories with you such as a pillow and bed linen.