Lars Vilks has lived with bodyguard 24/7 since being threatened by Islamists because of satire pictures depicting Prophet Muhammad as a walking dog.

Two years ago, his girlfriend, who had previously lived abroad, moved to Sweden and she and Lars Vilks planned to move together. It was not possible when she was classified as a security risk and was told that she was not covered by Lars Vilk's personal protection.

The couple believes that they cannot have any privacy under the prevailing circumstances and Lars Vilks has therefore notified the National Police Chief to the Justice Ombudsman (JO). JO has now decided not to investigate the notification.

JO regrets that protection is needed at all

The Ombudsman, Per Lennerbrant, states in the decision that it is not appropriate for JO to investigate whether a personal protection is well designed or not in an individual case:

“According to the principles applied for JO's supervisory activities, JO does not normally review the authorities' positions. How a personal protection is to be designed in an individual case is based on the Police Authority's assessments, including of what the threat picture looks like. "

The Ombudsman also writes that he understands Lars Vilk's difficult situation and regrets that the situation is such that the protection is needed at all.

The cultural news is looking for Lars Vilks.