Today, without a doubt, is a historic day. The day when we can finally make a significant, tangible and visible step on the road to a new Russia. To make our country what we all would like to see.

What should be our country? It seems to me that whatever political views you adhere to, all real patriots must agree that Russia is a great and powerful power, a civilization country. With a foundation laid down for centuries, but at the same time progressive and always at the forefront of progress. This is an empire: for someone in the direct sense, for someone in the figurative sense of the word, but the essence does not change from that. This is what Russia is, and this is how it should be written in the basic law of our country. One can argue about specific development paths. But with those who do not want Russia to be a great and powerful power, there’s nothing to talk about at all.

You cannot build a building for centuries on a shaky and crooked foundation.

It is high time that we shook off the shackles of the damned 90s, when we nearly lost our country, when the basic law was dictated by American “advisers”. It has long been necessary to say a decisive “no” to any attempts to influence us from outside.

Does anyone still naively believe that this influence can be positive and beneficial? Tell me, have you seen at least one country that, as a result of American “help”, achieved sustainable prosperity without sacrificing sovereignty?

We must say a conscious “yes” to the new path, strengthening the sovereignty and social orientation of our country.

The constitution is the foundation, and it must be strong and sustainable. Today, paradoxically, Russia is one of the few countries in the world that has the strength and will to consciously and publicly declare: we are free.

We are not like everyone else, we do not want and will not follow extremist and destructive values ​​that pretend to be liberal. These values, so aggressively promoted by the collective West, fundamentally contradict our traditional views on things. Yes, and they contradict Western primordial Christian values ​​no less. The aggressive minority has completely enslaved the obedient majority, which does not dare to raise its voice against the destruction of everything on which our civilization is based. It does not dare yet, although very soon it may be too late.

What is most important to me in the amendments? Of course, the primacy of national law over international, the nationalization of elites and social guarantees.

Russia is becoming the ark of traditional values ​​in the ocean of perversions. This is what our Western "partners" have longed for today, forced to dance to the tune of extremist minorities. They yearned for, but can not afford.

Russia is a country “united by a thousand-year history, preserving the memory of the ancestors who transmitted to us ideals and faith in God, as well as continuity in the development of the Russian state, and recognizes the historically established state unity”.

Russia is a country in which marriage will henceforth once and for all be considered the union of a man and a woman, and no other way, where children are the most important priority of Russian state policy.

Russia is a country where Russian is endowed with the status of “the language of a nation-forming nation,” which means: we preserve and value our history and culture, which means we have a clear future.

The amendments for which we vote open the way to change and the possibility of the revival of a huge, independent, large Russia, a kingdom of good and justice.

To become self-sufficient means to become attractive. And we will never again have to suffer in search of that very idea, tools to attract supporters, allies, investments and better minds. All reasonable people will turn their eyes towards Russia and come to us themselves, if only we find ourselves and put this acquisition at the service of our Fatherland.

To accept amendments to the Constitution means to become oneself and thereby secure for ourselves and our children and grandchildren a stable future in a strong and invincible Russia.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.