Judgment written in honorable words became a hot topic.

Many people were impressed by the interview of the judge, who said, "It is the people who receive the ruling, and the people are the owners of the country. It is good for judges we meet in court to treat citizens in court, but in reality we often experience moments that are not.

▶ Related article
[Exclusive] A ruling written in'respect'… A 70-year-old judge who broke up and said,

"My neighbors will yield to each other and come to court..." and "There are people who aren't normal in life. So, civil lawsuits occur." Treat an abnormal person. In addition, even if it were approved, there would be a small amount of money, but why do you have a lawsuit to file a lawsuit against? Is going on.

The right to claim is a fundamental right to be fully enjoyed as it is a right guaranteed by the Constitution. Whether we sue or not, and whether to reconcile in the course of the litigation, and whether to appeal the ruling is entirely our choice. I am really upset when we meet the judges who are amused by our choices made after a lot of troubles and are foolish.

I filed a public complaint last year about a case where the judge called and asked why the lawsuit was being made and the results were foreseen. In response to our question, the court explained that the judge made good intentions. However, whatever the intention is, when I hear this from a judge, I wonder if the right to a constitutional claim is guaranteed. The country's owner is clearly a citizen, as the judge interviewed the honorific sentence. The owner of the court is also a citizen, not a judge. But why should we be treated like this by judges? The situation looked like this,'Can't we pull the judge with our hands?' You will even try to think.

▶ Related article Can 
judge [in-it] be drawn by the hands of the people?

We were able to raise a public complaint about the judge who called us because we recorded the call. However, it is difficult to record in court. Article 59 of the Court Organizing Law stipulates that ``anyone in court cannot perform recording, filming, broadcasting, etc. without the permission of the judge,'' and actual judges do not permit recording, etc. Then, should we just listen to these words that sell our hearts?

Not like that. There is only a way we do not know. How to deal with this situation is very well defined in the law of litigation. Unfortunately, the court does not properly inform citizens of this method. Here is how the court will never let you know.

This is a way to record in advance the court's words or apply for shorthand.Article 159 of the Civil Procedure Act and Article 56-2 of the Criminal Procedure Act stipulate that, if there is no special reason, the parties to the trial request a recording or shorthand. The Civil Procedure Act and the Civil Procedure Act apply mutatis mutandis, so if you apply for both civil, criminal, domestic, and administrative trials, you can proceed with recording or shorthand.

However, when requesting actual recording or shorthand, the judge sometimes asks questions. The dialogue below is from the judge, who was recorded on the record of a trial on March 27.

At this time, we would like to keep the quality of responding to the words "Judge will tell you an important story today, so I can understand it and remember it later" . Because we are the owners of the court, not the judges who are asking questions.

In the past five years, in the last five years, 88 cases were reported by citizens after hearing from the judge and filing a petition with the Supreme Court, and only two cases were recognized by the Supreme Court. Since only 88 cases of complaints and petitions were concerned about the disadvantages that could arise after raising the issue, the reason why there were only two cases that the Supreme Court recognized was because of the lack of adequate evidence.

In order to prevent the disadvantages of the'end-of-the-line' and to raise the case of the Supreme Court's recognition, and above all, to do so, all we have to do is apply for recording and shorthand. Although we cannot pick judges with our own hands, as a weapon to increase transparency, such as applying for recording and shorthand, we must return the court where judges pretend to be owners to those of their original owners.

The court does not give us the form of the recording and shorthand application, but it is not difficult. I provide the form below that I am actually using, so I hope you can use it widely.


** [Recording and shorthand application form] 

civil, lyrics, The
plaintiff (or defendant) of the administrative case requests to order the recording or shorthand of all of the pleadings pursuant to Article 159 of the Civil Procedure Act.

The criminal
defendant is requesting that the whole hearing of the trial be ordered as shorthand or recorded (video recording) pursuant to Article 56-2 of the Criminal Procedure Act (shorthand recording and video recording in public judgment).

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