China-Singapore Jingwei client, June 29 (Luo Kun Changtao) "Are you Feng Qiuling? Your ID number ends with XXXX? You have previously registered a campus loan account, and now the policy has changed, all campus loan accounts You must write off, otherwise it will affect your credit."

  On June 27, Feng Qiuling, who lives in Beijing, received a call from Bozhou, Anhui. A customer service person who claimed to be a "360 debit note" accurately reported the four digits at the end of her name and ID number on the phone. She also knew that the post-90s graduated from a university in Shanghai in 2013.

  Feng Qiuling, who was about to get a bank loan recently, was a little anxious when she heard it, but she still kept her eyes open and said to the other party, "I will tell you first, my phone is now recording..." Feng Qiuling just said After this, it was convenient to hang up the phone. Feng Qiuling called again. The other party was either not answering the phone or was on the phone. Feng Qiuling went online to find out that he was almost in a new scam: canceling the campus loan account.

  Photo of the new latitude and longitude Chang Tao in the data map

High incidence of "cancellation of campus loan accounts" scams

  Huihui, who also graduated from college after 90s, was not so lucky.

  After receiving a similar call, due to concerns about affecting his credit, Huihui successively downloaded APPs of multiple online loan platforms under the guidance of "customer service staff", logged in using the mobile phone verification code and passed the identity verification, face After identification, Huihui withdrew the credit limit of each online loan platform, totaling more than 60,000 yuan, and transferred it to the "customer service staff" for several times for him to perform the "Campus loan account cancellation" operation.

  Huihui's transfer records and some chat records

  "In the beginning, it was a 360 loan note, and then I said that other platforms also have campus loan accounts. On some platforms, I have no quota and let me apply for a quota and withdraw cash to him. Once I show a little resistance, the attitude of the other party will become very Tough, tell me that if you have any questions about credit reporting in the future, don’t look for them.” Huihui said that she had just graduated this year and vaguely remembered registering an account on an online loan platform many years ago, and because she was still preparing to take the post of teacher. She did not want her credit report to be affected in any way.

  In this way, Huihui fell into the net carefully woven by the criminals step by step. After the transfer was completed, the "customer service staff" could no longer be reached. Huihui, who had come back to know this, knew that he was deceived and then reported the case to the Qiaosi Police Station in Yuhang District, Hangzhou.

  A number of victims told the Sino-Singapore Jingwei client that these customer service staff will provide an official certificate of cancellation of the campus loan account authorization certificate, and can accurately report their names, schools, majors, and ID numbers, which will undoubtedly hurt the victims. The authors relaxed their vigilance.

  So, wouldn't it be fooled if you have never touched an online loan platform? For these people, scammers have another way.

  After Li Xu denied that he had borrowed a loan from the campus, the “customer service staff” on the phone warned that someone else had misappropriated his identity information, but he also needed to cancel his account, otherwise it would affect his credit.

  "Customer service staff" also emphasized that he is a regular platform staff, will not ask for verification codes from customers, all operations are completed by Li Xu himself, and eventually he was cheated by thousands of dollars. Like Feng Qiuling and Huihui, Li Kuo is also a post-90s student who just graduated from university the year before.

  On social platforms such as Weibo, many netizens post that they have encountered similar scams, ranging from thousands of dollars to nearly 100,000. For some college students who have just graduated and are still attending school, tens of thousands of yuan should be a huge sum of money. Although most people choose to report the case, whether the money can be recovered is still unknown.

  Screenshot source: Weibo

  The Sino-Singapore Jingwei client noted that in November 2019, 360 Financial Anti-Fraud Lab released the "Analysis Report on Telecommunication Fraud Cancellation of Online Loan Accounts" (hereinafter referred to as the report), saying that the cancellation of online loan account scams has been on an increasing trend since 2019. The summer season (July-August) is the season of high incidence. 30.4% of the victims in the survey population were scammed with multiple account quotas, and more than 70% were graduates.

  It is understood that scammers often impersonate online loan platform customer service, falsely claiming that the victim's registered online loan account does not comply with national policies and needs to cooperate with cancellation, otherwise it will affect personal credit reporting. After gaining the trust of the victim, the scammer asked the victim to withdraw the account limit on the ground that the loan account needs to be cleared and transfer it to the account designated by the criminal. If the victim has not registered online loans, the criminals lied that their identity information was stolen and registered an online loan account. They also need to cooperate with the cancellation and require the victims to complete the "zero" and "account cancellation".

  The report also showed that the victims of telecommunication fraud who canceled their online loan accounts were not only defrauded of one account limit. The scammers learned about the situation of the victims registering multiple online loan accounts through hacking information, and would trick them into transferring out of other online loan accounts. About 30.4% of the victims were fooled, and the maximum amount of fraud was more than 120,000 yuan. In addition, more than 70% of the victims are university graduates, with a maximum graduation time of more than 5 years. Many victims said that they had never borrowed money on the online loan platform, and mistakenly believed that "the online loan limit is linked to personal credit reporting".

Your personal information may be leaked like this

  Why can criminals accurately locate your personal information? A senior online loan industry practitioner who did not wish to be named told the Sino-Singapore Jingwei client that the above-mentioned situation is very likely to have revealed personal information.

  According to the analysis of the above-mentioned people, there are three situations: First, users may register for multiple online loan platforms, some of which have data leakage, and criminals have obtained the login information of large platforms by "crashing the library"; second, the previous ones When the campus loan was hot in 2014, some user information may have been leaked and obtained by criminals; third, information leaked in other ways, such as online game accounts and social media accounts. For the graduate group, it is not excluded that information leakage has occurred on websites related to student information.

  Regarding the victims' concerns about whether "registered online loans will affect personal credit reporting", the above-mentioned practitioners said that personal credit reporting generally refers to the central bank's personal credit reporting. Whether the registration of online loan platform will affect personal credit reporting depends on the specific situation.

  First, if users do not have overdue circumstances, register online loan platforms, and have loan records, don't worry about the impact of credit reporting. If the user's repayment record is really bad and the platform has channels to report, it will indeed affect personal credit reporting.

  Second, not all platforms have the ability to report personal credit to the central bank. The personal credit reporting of the central bank is currently mainly for commercial banks and formal financial institutions. The personal credit reporting of the central bank for online loan institutions is another system, which is still under construction.

  In general, only registering online loan platforms and having loan records will not affect personal credit reporting. However, if there are non-performing loan records, overdue repayment records, etc., the impact on users may not be great at this stage, but will certainly have an impact on personal credit reporting in the future.

  "Currently, credit records provided by non-bank financial institutions are beginning to be valued, so these data may become part of our personal credit records in the next 3 to 5 years. Both students and those who already work need to pay attention."

  The aforementioned report also stated that the cancellation of the online loan account is not directly related to personal credit reporting. Any customer who claims to be a customer service of the online loan platform, in line with the guidance of "registering online loan accounts during school to affect personal credit reporting" as a guide, cooperates with the cancellation of online loan accounts. Scam.

How to avoid falling into a scam?

  The above online loan practitioners reminded that if they receive a call similar to canceling their account, they still need to communicate with the official customer service, instead of following the other party's arrangement, and adding "customer service" at will.

  360 Finance also gave anti-fraud suggestions in the report: The funds drawn from the online loan platform belong to credit consumer loans, which are liabilities under their own names. Anyone who claims to be a customer service of the online loan platform and requests cash withdrawal are scammers. The formal online loan platform will not actively ask the user to cancel the account, and be wary of strangers requesting transfers for any reason. If the transfer account is found to be a personal account, it must be a scammer.

  Screenshot source: Weibo

  58 easy loan also issued tips in May: 1. The following calls were received during the loan process, which is likely to be fraud: phone calls on the grounds of borrowing as a student, canceling the amount, closing the account, suspected money laundering, and safe accounts; 2. applying for the loan , Please check the official channel; 3. If the customer performs the logout process, they can operate the background at 58.

  The National Anti-Fraud Center also recently reminded that there is no operation to cancel the online loan account, as long as you pay off the goods on time, it will not affect personal credit reporting. When receiving calls from such self-proclaimed online loan platform staff, you must be vigilant. When in doubt, you should consult with the police or official customer service to verify and avoid property damage.

  In an interview with Sino-Singapore Jingwei Client, Meng Bo, a lawyer from Beijing Jingshi Law Firm, said that an important reason for the frequent occurrence of telecommunications fraud is that the personal information of citizens has not been fully protected.

  Meng Bo suggested that, from a judicial perspective, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law, it is necessary to increase the crackdown on criminal acts of illegally obtaining, illegally providing, and illegally buying and selling citizens’ personal information, increase the criminal costs of criminals, and effectively deter them.

  From a legislative point of view, in view of the serious social harm caused by the illegal use of citizens’ personal information as the core behavior of the crime of infringing citizens’ personal information, it is recommended to initiate criminal regulations and severely punish such acts.

  From the perspective of telecommunications business operators and Internet information service providers, they should strictly abide by the laws and regulations such as the "Network Security Law", "E-commerce Law", "Provisions on the Protection of Personal Information of Telecommunications and Internet Users", etc. Strict confidentiality, and establish and improve user information protection system.

  For the majority of netizens, to enhance the awareness of information protection, standardize operations, and protect their information security, they must not believe in strange calls, click on unknown links and QR codes, or transfer money easily. When your personal information and property safety encounter risks, you will immediately report to the police. (China-Singapore Jingwei APP)

(Feng Qiuling, Hui Hui and Li Ku in the text are pseudonyms at the request of the interviewee)

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