Shogi's Sota Fujii 7th Dan wins the youngest title in the "Seiki Battle" streak June 28, 18:45

Shogi Sota Fujii 7th Dan challenged himself to win his first title. The 2nd station of the 5th game of "Shogisen" was held in Tokyo on the 28th, and Fujii 7th dan defeated Akira Watanabe Triple Crown 2 after the first match. After winning consecutive titles, he won the title of the youngest player in history.

Sota Fujii 7th Dan (17) won the first match of the 8th of this month against Aki Watanabe, who has the title, in the fifth game of the first title battle "Gogi Seisen", which is the youngest in the history. On the 28th, I went to the second station at the Shogi Kaikan in Tokyo.

The game started at 9:00 am, and Fujian Nandan, who was behind him, had to defeat Watanabe Triple Crown.

Fujii Nandan, who has won two consecutive victories, won his first title as soon as possible, and if he wins one win in the remaining three games, he will be the youngest player to win.

The third station of the fifth match will be held in Tokyo on the 9th of next month.