America is tired. Officials at the US National Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) say bluntly: either WADA will be tougher and more principled in relation to Russia, or not see them more money from American taxpayers.

“Americans are waiting for a tangible return on their tax investment in the form of an uncompromising fight against doping,” the government’s Office of National Drug Policy (ONCDP) said in a report.

From an accounting point of view, US money - even the main private donor to WADA - is not critical. The agency’s annual budget is $ 34.7 million (half is money from the International Olympic Committee). US contribution - $ 2.7 million per year. But this does not prevent the head of USADA from writing that either WADA will be tougher in relation to Russia, or it will cease to exist at all.

It is no exaggeration to say that WADA officials were surprised and outraged by such impudence. Previously, the independence of organizations funded by the United States was still somehow respected, and the influence on their policies was latent. Those days are gone, and now the United States wants the dollar to determine the policies of international organizations and protect, above all, the interests of Americans.

It has been said in Washington that Russia must be punished — be so kind as to fulfill.

The ONCDP report says about our state policy in the field of doping and, of course, not a word about the great American athletes and cyclists who, in fact, said the same words about the unacceptability of doping and the purity of sports, sitting on the needle of universal adoration and ... steroids with EPO.

It is no longer the truth. And especially not clean. The point is hegemony. There is only one way out: to sit on the needle of money doping further (with your tongue stuck in a well-known place) or to finally understand that your main sponsor is just a pimp who is never too late to get rid of.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.