Guest Thursday of the show Sans Rendez-vous on Europe 1, Christophe Lequart, dentist and spokesperson of the French Union for Oral Health, explained what were the risks and the pitfalls to avoid for many take care of your teeth during pregnancy. Explanations.


How to take good care of your teeth when you are pregnant? Christophe Lequart, dentist and spokesperson for the French Union for Oral Health, answered this question at length on Thursday afternoon in the program Sans Rendez-vous . He also recalled that, contrary to popular belief, it is important to go to the dentist, even during pregnancy.

Watch out for gingivitis

"There are changes in the mouth when you are pregnant. The first change is in the gum, because there is a hormonal impregnation in the gums. A pregnant woman can therefore suffer from pregnancy gingivitis, c is gingivitis in pregnant women, "says the dentist. According to him, about 80% of women suffer from this pregnancy gingivitis, at stages that are very different.

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He continues: "This gingivitis can be very impressive, with very swollen gums, which can bleed when brushing or spontaneously. In extreme cases, the gum can even cover the entire tooth. But do not worry because after giving birth, gingivitis disappears. However, it is possible to suffer from classic gingivitis when you are pregnant, linked to the presence of dental plaques and tartar. can progress to periodontitis and teeth can get loose. It is not trivial to have periodontitis when you are pregnant: it is one of the risk factors for premature deliveries. " Christophe Lequart also specifies that the treatment for gingivitis does not change due to pregnancy.

Monitor your cavities

During the first trimester, pregnant women often experience nausea. "These acid regurgitations will demineralize the teeth and will increase the risk of cavity formation," warns Christophe Lequart.

However, some pregnant women brush their teeth less than usual because it sometimes increases nausea. "At a minimum, rinse your mouth, or ideally make a mouthwash with a glass of water in which you will have put a teaspoon of bicarbonate. The bicarbonate will neutralize the acids that are present in the mouth", recommends the dentist. "Above all, you shouldn't rush onto your toothbrush because the enamel is demineralized and therefore weakened," he said.

Do not fragment meals too much

"When women suffer from nausea, general practitioners and obstetricians tell them 'if you vomit, you must fragment meals'. But the problem of fragmenting meals is the same as for snacking: the number of intakes is increased food during the day, without brushing your teeth every time, "says Christophe Lequart. "So beware of the fragmentation of meals, especially that during pregnancy, there is an appetite for sugar," he concludes.