According to the news released by his son, Mr. Chen Peiqiu, a well-known Chinese painter and painter, died on June 26, 2020, at the age of 98. His son Xie Dingwei posted an obituary in the circle of friends.

  Born in 1922, Chen Peiqiu is named Qiulan Room. His representative works include "Tianmu Mountain Rhododendron", "Shui Pei Feng Shang" and "Red Manchurian Branches". Chen Peiqiu is an adjunct professor at the School of Fine Arts of Shanghai University, a member of the Chinese Artists Association, an art consultant at the Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy, an art consultant at the Shanghai Artists Association, an art consultant at the Shanghai Calligraphers Association, and a director of the Xiling Seal Society. Winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award. (Edit Gao Yuhui)

Editor in charge: [Song Fangcan]