Teacher infection at a special support school in Tokyo 1st grade closed until next month 3 Corona June 24 14:34

It was newly confirmed that teachers at special needs schools in Tokyo were infected with the new coronavirus. The Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education has decided to close the school year from the 24th until the 3rd of the next month, which includes 11 students who were considered to be rich contacts.

According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education, the infection with the new coronavirus was confirmed by a male teacher in his 50s who works at a special needs school in the Tama area.

This faculty member had a fever symptom on the 20th of this month and was subjected to a PCR test, which confirmed the infection on the 23rd.

The route of infection is unknown at the moment.

According to a survey conducted by the public health center, 16 teachers who were in contact with this teacher and 11 students who were instructed were considered to be intimate contact, and the Board of Education started from the 24th for the 1st grade with 11 students enrolled. I decided to close the school until the 3rd of next month.

This is the first time that a school year has been closed due to the new coronavirus since it reopened on the 1st of this month.

According to the Board of Education, teachers and students who were considered to be rich contacts have undergone PCR tests since 24th, as well as disinfection of staff rooms and classrooms.