Donald Trump's adversary camp is a holiday.

Liberals, democrats, Obama spill progressists, socialists, Trotskyists, activists and sympathizers of the Black Lives Matter movement, feminists, actors and actresses of Hollywood, the rainbow-colored LGBT community - all of them triumph over the victory that the president hates him. 

They rejoice at the same time as a child directly. Cheated on a fool for four fists! Almost thwarted the first pre-election rally (as the USA calls public speaking during the election campaign) of the vile racist, xenophobe and misogyn!

When Donald Trump launched his first campaign four years ago, his main feature was public speaking, which he each time turned into an unforgettable show. In the winter of 2016, Trump walked across the country in a hurricane, gathering stadiums and huge concert halls. Several dozens of people came to the performances of his rivals (Jeb Bush once had to speak in front of an empty hall), and those who wanted to hear Trump stood in the cold for hours. “So they stand behind a new iPhone or Kronat,” - then the American media were perplexed.

Trump was lucky: his opponents at first could not have imagined that this clown, this New York-based developer who did not understand anything in politics, was able to defeat mainstream candidates from the Republican Party. And when they got worried, it was already too late. 

But now a new presidential campaign has begun, and despite the fact that it is taking place in an unprecedentedly difficult country for a pandemic and racial unrest, Trump has good chances to win it. Let his opponents puff out their cheeks and pretend that the game has already been played and the next US president is called Joe Biden - they, of course, are aware that this is far from the case. Therefore, they returned to the old, tried-and-true tactics of disrupting the election campaign of Trump. This time, the scene is Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Tulsa is a notorious city in US history. In 1921, serious racial clashes took place here, called the "Massacre at Greenwood" - then, according to unofficial data, at least 350 people died, almost 300 of them were black.

Of course, when Trump made the decision to start his campaign, he still did not know that he would conduct it in a country covered by the fire of racial unrest, which means that Tulsa will also have symbolic significance as the place for his first rally after the pandemic. But he had the tact to move the event from June 19 to the 20th: the fact is that on June 19, black Americans celebrate Freedom Day (in 1865, on this day in Texas, the last of the southern states, slavery was abolished). 

At first, everything seemed to be going well. Oklahoma Governor is a Republican, Tulsa Mayor George Theron Bynam is also. The mayor kindly agreed to abolish the curfew imposed in the city not so much because of a pandemic, but because of threats from the left and antifa to riot (for Trump, of course, I would not have expected such courtesy).

Moreover, about 1 million people submitted applications for free participation in the event! This is many times more than able to accommodate the Tulsa stadium, designed for 18 thousand. Therefore, an external stage was quickly added to the stadium, in front of which another 40 thousand people could gather. It is easy to calculate that in all Trump’s headquarters counted on 60 thousand spectators, and possibly more.

Reality turned out to be much more modest. The stadium gathered no more than 12 thousand people, and on the site in front of the external stage - only a few dozen.

Naturally, the media hostile to Trump (that is, almost all) maliciously broadcast footage of empty seats in the stadium, accompanied by comments that the president is rapidly losing popularity.

If the left had the brains to insist on this version, the Americans might have believed in it. But leftists - not only in the United States, but everywhere in the world - are distinguished by a chronic inability to keep their mouth shut. Immediately after the “failure” of the rally in Tulsa, the “star” of American Socialists in Congress Alexandria Okasia-Cortes (the Squad group’s informal leader, which I wrote on RT more than once), stated that the president’s event was disrupted by teenagers - users of the popular TikTok platform and especially fans of Korean pop music from the KPop Allies community.

These geeks massively registered for the event in Tulsa (the benefit of the tickets were free), but, of course, they didn’t think of going anywhere (or going — hundreds of thousands of registered tickers are generally citizens of other countries).

Hence, in fact, a huge figure of a million or more who allegedly want to take part in the rally. “In fact, you just got busted by teenagers on TikTok, who tricked you into believing that a million people want to hear your white suprematist performance and that this is enough to fill the stadium during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hello Zoomers! I am proud of you! ” - wrote Okasia-Cortes.

So, the leader (leader?) Of the radical left in Congress - and in fact a slightly disguised Trotskyist - Okasia-Cortes proudly admits that Trump was defeated by deception. There is nothing shameful in deceiving a class enemy! And the president for the leftists and progressives of America is primarily a class enemy. 

Following this, a real circus began. The head of the campaign headquarters of the trump Brad Parskale denied reports that cunning teenagers disrupted the rally of the president. “Leftists and Internet trolls rejoice, thinking that they somehow influenced the number of participants in the rally, but they don’t understand what they are talking about and don’t know how our rallies are organized,” said Parskale on Sunday. According to Parskale, registering for the rally only means that people provide their headquarters with their contact phone number, and the headquarters constantly cleans up fictitious numbers, as happened with the “tens of thousands of numbers” when the headquarters calculated the possible number of participants in the rally in Tulsa. “Each of our rallies is open to all, and participants are allowed to attend it in a lively queue,” added Trump’s head of staff.

More recently, however, Parskale himself boasted a million applications for an event in Tulsa. It is because of high expectations - well, let not a million, even 60 thousand! - This blow was so painful for Trump, who, according to some reports, was “furious” after the failure of his first election rally after the pandemic. “It was a serious failure,” NBC News quotes one of the advisers close to the president.

However, since the quote, as usual in such cases, comes from a source who wishes to remain anonymous, doubts may arise in its truth. 

As for Brad Parskale, this is already the second flaw for him after the notorious May opinion polls that provoked Trump's anger and forced the White House to refute (then for the first time, all polls without exception showed that Sleepy Joe Biden is ahead of the incumbent president in popularity - another the fact is that CNN, for example, estimated the gap at 14 points, while other, more balanced corporate media gave from four to six points). Another such failure - and Trump can find himself another head of staff. By the way, in 2016, such tactics paid off: after the dismissal of Paul Manafort, anointed in affairs with the “Kiev ledgers,” Trump hired Stephen Bannon, who ultimately led his team to victory. However, one should not forget that Parskale, who has now landed in a puddle in 2016, was one of those who provided Trump with the presence of social networks: he was rightly considered a digital guru at the headquarters of Trump and it is hard to overestimate his contribution to the victory of the current president.

As for Trump himself, he just did not let his voters down.

“In 2020, the choice is very simple: do you want to bow your head to the leftist crowd or proudly straighten up at full height, as befits the Americans?” He asked the crowd at the stadium in Tulsa.

And it is not so important how many there were, those gathered. Someone (Trump's haters) write about barely 6 thousand. Some say 12 thousand (this is twice as much, but almost 19 thousand people could fit in the stadium anyway). There is evidence that in front of the stadium actually gathered not a few dozen, but about 30 thousand people who could not get inside due to provocations of demonstrators and antifa. In any case, the liberal media that have settled on this topic will insist that far fewer than 100 thousand people gathered to come to listen to Trump, which the president himself and the city authorities supposedly counted on.

Another thing is important: the president again proved himself a fighter. He laughed at his political opponents, mainly at Sleepy Joe Biden hiding from the virus (a curious touch: during all the months of the pandemic, Sleepy Joe climbed out of hiding just a couple of times - to take pictures with BLM activists, but at the same time the vast majority of American media and social network users are reproached for Trump’s cowardice, which only once went down into the bunker under the White House when dark-skinned rioters raged in Washington).

He was outraged by the leftists in Congress, in particular Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who came to the States from Somalia: “She wants to make the USA the same country as the one from which she came: neither government, nor security, nor police, nothing - just anarchy. And now she tells us how to rule our country! No thanks!"

Trump paid special attention to the problem of the COVID-19 pandemic, which, to the great pleasure of those present, he called "kung-flu." (The liberal media immediately declared this name racist - so, you see, Trump insults the Chinese, hinting that the virus came from China. And where else? From Mars, or what?)

“I told my guys: slow down with the tests,” Trump joked. “And then in our country the infection is being diagnosed more and more often.”

Alas, this is true. Right on the eve of the rally in Tulsa, it turned out that six people from the team that helped organize the event were infected with the coronavirus. Personally, none of them, most likely, had contact with the president, but no one canceled the six handshake rule either. 

Meanwhile, antifa and BLM continue to rampage in American cities. The war with monuments continues - on Sunday it became known that the monument to Theodore Roosevelt, standing in front of the entrance to the American Museum of Natural History in New York, will be dismantled. And not even Roosevelt himself was guilty - the composition of the monument was outraged by the fighters for racial justice: the president is riding a horse, and a black and an Indian are walking on his left and right.

“This is the American version of the cultural revolution in China,” said Breitbart News editor Joel Pollack. - Even the state-owned media in China are increasingly approvingly calling it the American Cultural Revolution. And the most striking thing is that there is not a single left-wing politician, not a single democratic leader who would oppose this. Moreover, this is not Joe Biden. "

The reality is that in modern America, only one politician is able to put an end to the rampant "cultural revolution" - this is the current president of the United States, Donald Trump. But even Trump does not behave so harshly and radically towards the protesters as his supporters, adherents of traditional Christian values, would like. Perhaps this is the answer to the question why the stadium in Tulsa was only half full, and not in the tricks of teenagers from TikTok and not in the miscalculations of digital guru Brad Parskale? 

However, I would not go on about liberal news fake news factories and downplay the significance of the Tulsa event. After all, a pandemic of an insidious virus is really rampant in the country. Those who did come to the stadium to listen to their president did so contrary to circumstances, stepping over the fear of contracting and getting sick. Wouldn’t it be more correct in this connection to speak not of failure, but, on the contrary, of the triumph of the owner of the White House?

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.