During the intervention of the President of the Republic at the Citizen's Climate Convention, before confinement. (archives) - Lemouton-POOL / SIPA

The Citizen Climate Convention is making its proposals this Sunday to fight global warming "in the spirit of social justice", some of which could lead to a referendum. Emmanuel Macron must receive the “150 citizens” who compose it on June 29 to bring them “first responses”. The president has repeatedly said he is open to the idea of ​​directly questioning the French on environmental issues, brought back to the center of public debate by the Covid crisis.

The Convention's proposals come at a time when the executive is working on its recovery plan in the face of the recession into which the pandemic has plunged the economy. The head of state had decided to organize this exercise in participatory democracy unprecedented in France after the crisis of "yellow vests", triggered by the announcement of a carbon tax on fuels. The CCC, mandated to propose measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40%, in any case did not put the idea of ​​such a tax back on the table, but proposed nearly 150 other measures .

No 28-hour week

Its members will still have to decide on Sunday to know if they would like to see some of them subject to a referendum. One of the most controversial, the reduction of working time to four days (28 hours) per week, was largely (65%) rejected on Saturday, the only one not to be adopted by the members.

Another measure that should polarize public opinion, the reduction of speed on the highway from 130 to 110 km / ha garnered 60% of the vote. The proposal unsurprisingly sparked the ire of automobile associations, echoing the discontent already triggered by the 80 km / h. The CCC also proposes to strengthen the ecological bonus-penalty on vehicles, long-term rental aid and zero-rate loans for the purchase of clean vehicles, the ban from 2025 on the sale of new highly emitting vehicles ( +110 gr CO2 / km) and to ban city centers from the most polluting vehicles.


Among other measures is a strong advertising framework, with banning signs in outdoor public space and advertising for products with a high carbon footprint - such as large SUV type vehicles. As well as heavy taxes on ultra-processed food, the ban on GMO seeds, a higher taxation of nitrogen fertilizers and the halving in 2030 of the use of pesticides, and the ban on the most dangerous of here 2035.

The Convention also calls for the introduction into French criminal law of a crime of "ecocide", a proposal recently rejected in the Senate and the National Assembly, and the creation of a "high authority" responsible for enforcing "Planetary limits" deemed sustainable for the survival of humanity (global warming limited to 2 degrees for example).

It also requests the inclusion in the Constitution of the preservation of biodiversity, the environment and the fight against climate change, the creation of an "environmental defender" and to renew the experience of the Citizens' Convention , possibly as part of a reform of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (Cese), which hosted their work.


Emmanuel Macron will provide a first response to the proposals of the Citizens' Convention on June 29


Thermal renovation, agroecology, pub, motorway ... We plunged into the 150 measures of the Citizen's Climate Convention

  • ecology
  • Emmanuel Macron
  • Weather
  • Convention
  • Planet