Class day at a primary school in Mantes la Jolie, May 19, 2020. - ISA HARSIN / SIPA

  • All kindergarten, elementary and middle school students must return to class this Monday, June 22, and this is mandatory.
  • 20 Minutes gave the floor to children who have already partially resumed the class, to collect their impressions.

No more class at home. From Monday, the recovery of all students will be "mandatory and according to the rules of normal presence", with the exception of high schools, announced Emmanuel Macron on June 14. A great moment for many, after three months away from their establishment. But some students had already made a comeback to class previously, even if it was only for a few days, most often part-time.

A return to the school benches that took place last week for Gaspard, 9, in CM1. And who delighted his parents as much as he did: “It was a pleasure to go back there to see my friends. It's better than staying at home, ”he explains. “I missed the mistress very much during confinement. I wanted to find her, ”also said Louison, 7, in CE1. Alice, 9 years old in CE2, had more apprehension: "At the beginning, I didn't really want to, because I didn't know if my friends would go," she confides. The return to college was also perceived as a kind of liberation by Elsa, 13 years old in 5th grade: “I was relieved to resume classes. Because in the middle of confinement, I got lost. I felt like I was overwhelmed with my homework and in the end, I worked less. I felt like my brain was turned off, ”she says. Their return to class seems to have put them into a reassuring routine.

"It's better than at home"

Admittedly, the strict sanitary measures which were in force at the time of the reopening of the schools and the colleges a little killed the spontaneity and the heat of reunion. "It was annoying, we were not allowed to play soccer in the courtyard and there was an empty office between two students," said Gaspard. “We had to put on hydroalcoholic gel before entering the class. It was weird, ”says Alice too.

The return to school was also an opportunity for the students to work in a more lively way and no longer in front of a screen: "I did math, French and EMC (moral and civic education). The day went really fast " , describes Gaspard. “I can learn more normally. At home, my baby sister often cried and I got up to comfort her. It kept me from working sometimes, ”says Louison. In order not to create a gap between the pupils at school and those who remained at a distance, the teachers gave them the same exercises to do: “The teacher gave us a printed sheet and we could call her when we needed 'she. It is better than at home, because parents do not know how to explain homework very well, ”judges Alice. For Elsa, the courses in college also do not resemble those before the confinement, because all the subjects are not taught. “And the teachers clearly told us that the important thing was not to finish the program, but to resume more traditional work habits by doing exercises. I feel like I'm getting my brain to walk again, ”she says.

"It's worth coming back to college, even for such a short time"

And after the breakout sessions in recent weeks, students will have to get used to an almost full class. A perspective that rather amuses Alice: “It will be fun to find everyone after being 15! Even if some people put the mess in the classroom, ”exclaims Alice. “Some days, we were 8 in class, it was very quiet, from the 22nd, there will be a lot of noise. But it will be more alive and I will be happy to see the friends that I have not seen for three months, “also ignites Elsa.

As of this Monday, the health protocol having been relaxed, children will be allowed to do more things at school. "I'm going to be able to play soccer again," ignites Gaspard. "I'm going to play cat with my girlfriends," says Louison. But with days of full class and having lost the rhythm, the little girl already anticipates a blow of slack: "It will tire me. I'm going to have to go to bed earlier, ”she resolves. And even if the students will only have two weeks with almost all of their class before the holidays, the game is well worth the effort. "It's worth coming back to college, even for such a short time," says Elsa.


Distancing, wearing a mask, canteen ... What will be the new health rules in schools and colleges from Monday?


Deconfinement: Why bring all the students back to class on June 22?

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