The chaos that occurs on social networking sites, specifically “Twitter”, has reached dangerous stages that should not be tolerated or ignored. Abuses, insults, defamation, slander and public and hidden insults have become “permissible” and “available” means for every person who throws out any Another person, and whatever that other person is, whether it is an ordinary tweeter, official or employee, writer or player or anything else, but reaching out to and abusing even the highest-ranking executives, something we have never experienced in the history of the Emirates.

There are two categories that spread abundantly in “Twitter”: one recurring category, all that is written, tracking down abuse, without understanding the issue at hand, or awareness of violating the law, and another category that considers itself “leadership”, as it often begins tweeting with hidden and public abuses.

The common denominator between members of the two groups is their lack of understanding and assimilation of the laws applied in the state, which criminalize all of those acts they do, as many, and even most of the tweeters, are unaware of the UAE law related to defamation and defamation, they confuse and do not differentiate between the permitted criticism and the offenses criminalized by the law, They also believe that not mentioning the name of the person to be defamed saves them from condemnation, and they also believe that insulting and slander are only related to the words of the offending or insulting to the modest, so they fill Twitter with sentences burdened with abuse, insult, and insults, believing that they are legal because they do not contain words of abuse or insults. Express, that's a big mistake!

They do this because they did not bother to read the UAE law, and no one “dragged them” to the courts until they learned to respect the law, and until they realized that what they were doing, according to the Emirates law, falls under the category of “criminal cases,” and is even more severe when committed Through social networking sites and media, due to a mistaken understanding of the principle of freedom of expression, and what the perpetrator might expect to be in a virtual world far from responsibility!

Cursing in the law is “every defective affix, or expression, degrades a person, or limits his reputation to others.” Hence, every abusive tweet is a crime, even if it is not directed directly to the victim’s account on the communication sites, or was not directed in his name. The frank, if it is clear and known, is intended, according to the law: “It is not required for the crime to be insulted in the face of the victim, because the reason for the punishment is not hearing what one harms from him, as much as he is afflicted by the hearing of what was said about him, in what is harmful to him. In his honor or consideration ».

Insults and insults were not limited to certain terms, as well as gestures issued by the perpetrator, whose form was not specified in advance in the law, meaning that the reference in defining the truth of the words insults, or gestures aimed at this crime, to the custom and what the judge reassures in obtaining to understand the reality, from During what is on the cards and arguments before it, there is no need at all for smokes, gossip, gossip and humiliating exposure indirectly, it is also a crime that can be distinguished and approved by the judge!

And in a clearer sense: the offense legally criminal, which includes a word or deed, which would demean the victim of his countrymen, and if we apply this meaning to what we read from tweets on Twitter, we will find that most of the tweeters are indulging in violating the provisions of the law of insulting and defamation and defamation. Without knowledge or understanding!

twitter @ samialreyami

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