People from all walks of life in Hong Kong firmly support Hong Kong's national security legislation and look forward to the implementation of relevant laws as soon as possible.

Chen Zhaoshi, Director of the Food and Health Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: We see that the principles of national security legislation are actually aimed at something that few people will do, like subverting the country and influencing the country from outside forces. If you are a law-abiding citizen, you should not worry about it. (National Security Legislation) is to give us a security, a stability, and a love for our country to protect our Hong Kong.

Su Yongan, one of the founders of the "Hong Kong Re-starting Grand Alliance": Before seeing the black storm so serious, no one dared to say anything and felt insecure. (Promote) As soon as the national security legislation came out, we felt safe, and we all felt confident. This (let) we have full hope for the future of Hong Kong, so we certainly support the national security legislation and firmly support it.

  People in the education sector in Hong Kong said that the normal order of Hong Kong society was severely affected last year, and violence invaded the campus. National security legislation gave education professionals new hope.

 Dai Xili, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and a special adviser to the president of the Hong Kong University of Education: As far as Hong Kong is concerned, I feel that the National Security Law should allow Hong Kong to re-stabilize relatively quickly and focus on economic development and people's livelihood. For the education sector, some problems did occur in the past. For teachers and students, if we can re-understand the culture, history and development of our own country, I think this is a new one for Hong Kong set off.

 Huang Yushan, deputy of the National People’s Congress of Hong Kong and president of the Open University of Hong Kong: I think this time the legislation is very important and necessary, because there were a lot of violent incidents in Hong Kong in the previous period, which destroyed the peace of the society. If it continues, we Hong Kong It will not develop in the future.