[Commentary] On June 17, the "War Epidemic-Special Exhibition on Sichuan's Fight against New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic" was officially launched in Sichuan Museum. More than 1,800 first-line anti-epidemic objects, more than 180 real anti-epidemic photos, various videos and paintings, reviewed the efforts made by all walks of life in Sichuan to fight the new epidemic of pneumonia.

  From February 2020, Sichuan Museum will collect witnesses to fight against the epidemic from all walks of life. As of the opening of the exhibition, a total of 1,939 testimonies have been received, including Sichuan's medical aid workers in Hubei who had printed their handprints before the expedition, medical protective clothing signed with their names, anti-epidemic diaries, as well as passes and access certificates during the anti-epidemic period , Publicity posters, work clothes, work permits, schedules, loudspeakers, banners, home anti-epidemic literature and art creations, etc. These testimonies are a living testimony of the fight against the epidemic in Sichuan society.

  As an invited guest, "Sister Raincoat" Liu Xian enthusiastically shared with the audience what he saw and heard during his stay in Wuhan. The transparent white raincoat and orange woolen cap in the show window were her "armor" during her aid to Wuhan.

  [Same period] (Raincoat sister Liu Xian) This is a historical freeze, and then also a spiritual transmission. When you see these objects, you will remember a scene in Wuhan at that time. When you were in this environment, you saw that all the medical staff were struggling with their bodies, and then they were fighting with the disease and the death, and then saw that Many volunteers are supporting Wuhan in their own way. Everyone is not an outsider or a bystander. He is willing to integrate himself into it, that is, to contribute a little bit of strength to fight against the epidemic. .

  [Commentary] He Xuejiang, a retired soldier who volunteered to kill 58 days in Wuhan, also came to the exhibition site. Before the "battle", his handwritten "last words" for his family were also displayed in the exhibits.

  [Same period] (He Xuejiang, a veteran volunteer) The "Farewell Words", when I was entering the "Red Zone", I was going to the hospital for disinfection. At that time, my heart was particularly complicated, because I did not know whether I would be infected. , I don’t know if I can come out of the hospital alive, so I thought of two children, my lover and my father. If I sacrificed and left some words for them, I wrote a paragraph like this. My hands were shaking, and now I looked at the letter myself, and I thought that it was actually my true portrayal at the time. This (anti-epidemic) is a silent war. At this time, as a soldier, we must stand up.

  【Commentary】Sichuan doctor Huang Wei was called a "Lone Ranger" for driving alone for 17 hours and driving more than 1,200 kilometers to support Wuhan. Staring at his request for tactics and nucleic acid detection report according to the red fingerprint, Huang Wei said that he not only saw the power of China, but also the unremunerated and hard work of medical staff.

  [Same period] (supporting the doctor Huang Wei of Wuhan Lone Ranger) determined that there were no more people, and then felt that a doctor should do it, the most important thing was to distress the (medical care) comrades in (Wuhan). There are 8 masks with protective materials. After the past, my leaders and friends care about my encouragement. In fact, they are more moved. We are fighting this time, but our common opponent is the virus "new crown" (pneumonia), so we are all comrades, including patients and doctors.

  [Commentary] In the face of the works on display, the audience He Qiyu said that under the inspiration of the dedication of medical staff, he will work harder and work harder on the job.

  [Concurrent period] (He Qiyu, the exhibitor) is the part of the "Blood Warfare Book" topic. I feel very touching, that is, those medical workers. In this epidemic everyone is actually quite scared, but because of their duties, In order to protect us, they then applied for themselves (to participate in the war), and then everyone bravely stood on the front line, so that this part looks particularly touching.

  He Xilu Yang reports from Chengdu

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]