Xinhua News Agency, Hong Kong, June 14 - Title: "Network Red" Xian master: Political Wing Chun disciples battles rivers and lakes

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Lu Min

  He was a martial arts man of Xiquan for more than 50 years, a financial man with more than 30 years of experience, and a filmmaker who launched the "Yewen" series of movies.

  At the time of social turmoil in Hong Kong last year, he opened a personal political commentary video channel "Master Xian's Lecture Room". He became famous for his rigorous discussion and sufficient reasons. Over the past six months, he has hundreds of thousands of fans in Hong Kong, the Mainland and abroad, and has become a new “net celebrity” in Hong Kong’s current affairs commentary.

  "Become an Internet celebrity after 60, I may be the oldest in the Internet celebrity world." He said with a smile.

  He is a disciple of Xian Guolin, the son of Ye Chun, the son of Yongchun Boxing Master Ye Wen, known as "Master Xian".

  In August 2019, during the Hong Kong "Rectification Storm", an online platform visited him and made two current affairs commentary programs. He talked about some views, but he did not expect the communication effect to be surprisingly good. Many friends praised it, and some friends suggested that he open an online channel to share his views.

  On October 10, Xian Guolin set up the political commentary channel "Master Xian's Lecture" on Youtu and released the first video on how the SAR Government can supplement law enforcement forces to stop riots in the event of a shortage of police force. In 8 months, he released more than 80 video clips covering various areas such as Hong Kong administration, legislation, justice, media, education, etc. He severely criticized the "black violence" and the anti-China chaotic Hong Kong forces, and made suggestions for the governance of the SAR Suggest.

  "My channel is watched from the grassroots to the top, from the patriotic and love Hong Kong camp to the opposition camp, and I have received some recognition. This is my relief." He said.

  On March 17 this year, Xian Guolin made a program with the title: The Central Government should make a crime of treason and secession for Hong Kong, and should not wait any longer!

  He said in the film: "Since Hong Kong has returned to China, this crime of treason is not the internal affairs of Hong Kong. I think it is time for the Central Government to formally establish a law on behalf of Hong Kong to deal with the anti-China chaos of the separatists." He cited one by one. The relevant provisions of the Basic Law indicate that this move will not harm "one country, two systems" at all.

  Two months later, on May 28, the National People's Congress passed a high-level national security legislative decision.

  This video caused a lot of discussion, and many people praised his "forecaster" and "vision." "I'm not a good man, it's just more diligent and more serious in reading." Master Xian said with a smile.

  Master Xian's style is unique. He never talked empty-handedly, blaming him, "It's easy to criticize, but difficult to give advice."

  Xian Guolin has served as an audit supervisor for many years in the banking system. "Auditors are looking for problems, checking materials, making suggestions, and finally completing an audit report, which must be well-founded and well-targeted." The same is true for the political commentary channel. He uses the auditor's rigor to find problems and then find them in the legal text. After giving reasons, finally put forward a solution. So in his programs, he often marks various legal provisions in large sections, which is reasonable and persuasive.

  When discussing the phenomenon of deliberately procrastinating on the issue by legislators, he did not criticize it in general, but borrowed a book from a friend of the legislator and put the thick "legislative council rules of affairs" "house rules" and "legislation" overnight. After reading the conference history, rules and way of reference manual, I finally found the relevant regulations that can solve the relevant problems, and I talked about my suggestions on the program the next day. This episode has nearly one million views and has attracted widespread attention. The subsequent solutions proposed by the external legal experts of the Legislative Council were exactly the same as his suggestions.

  In the mind of Master Xian, there are always the feelings of the martial arts Kuang Fu world. Xian Guolin was born in a poor family in Hong Kong. He had worked as a hawker, opened a taxi, and sold a coolie. He walked step by step through hard work to this day. He founded the first financially listed company in Hong Kong, the first Hong Konger to build a film and television city in the Mainland, and now serves as a director of a Hong Kong listed company for culture and entertainment.

  Xian Guolin, who had practiced martial arts and martial arts under the guidance of his father since childhood, became hooked on Wing Chun at the age of 17, and later became an apprentice to Ye Wen's son Ye Jun. "I have read a history book since I was young, I have a sense of justice, I hate the Eight-Power Allied Forces, and I despise the most people who carry foreign bodies," he said.

  After his career stabilized, he quit his job as a banker and went to the UK to study law. "He wanted to come back to be a lawyer at the time." "Hobbing the strong and helping the weak, helping the poor to sue for free."

  Since then, as an investor and producer, he has successively launched a series of movies such as "Yewen" and "Yewen Prequel", "hoping to promote Chinese Kung Fu to the world and bring the positive information of patriotism, loving family and respecting teachers to the audience." .

  Patriotic love of family is Xian Guolin's "family history". Every night the whole family will watch the news together. When the national anthem sounds before the news is broadcast, the 8-year-old daughter will immediately get up and stand in front of the TV. "I taught her to love the country and respect the national anthem." He said.

  As a native of Hong Kong, Xian Guolin has always been concerned about the development of the country and is proud of it. "After the reform and opening up, the development of the country is really too great." Last year he went to Shenzhen and went to the supermarket to buy things. The payment method is more advanced than Hong Kong. He laughed: "I still have cash and don't know how to pay."

  In August 2018, Xian Guolin had a sudden viral infection and was in a dangerous condition. He went out of the ghost gate after various treatments. "Between life and death, I think, if God left me a life, I would use the rest of my life to do something meaningful for the society."

  Nowadays, it is his "meaningful things" to make a statement for "make Hong Kong better".

  At the end of June this year, Xian Guolin wanted to publish a new book called "How to Treat a Seriously Ill Hong Kong". He promised to donate all the royalty income to the charity "Social Inclusion Development Fund" to help the disadvantaged groups.

  "You know Linghu Chong in Xiaoaojianghu, my own way, my character is like this. I will not be in politics, because I think, do what I want to do, say what I want to say, and laugh at the rivers and lakes as an independent person. 'Is it more helpful to society?" Xian Guolin said, "As long as some people are willing to listen and others find it useful, I will continue to do it in my lifetime."