Kansai Electric Power's extraordinary board of directors decides to file a suit against the former management team at 4:20 on June 15

Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. held that the former management team such as Mr. Makoto Yagi and the former management did not perform their duties properly and caused damage to the company due to the problem of receipt of gold products by executives It is expected that the decision will be made to seek.

Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. established a research committee by an external lawyer on the 8th of this month, as a result of some shareholders having been asked to sue the management at the time due to the problem of receipt of gold products by executives. It was. The report found that five members, including former Chairman Yagi and former President Shigeki Iwane, did not properly perform their duties as directors and caused damage to the company of approximately 1.3 billion yen.

In response to this report, Kansai Electric Power is expected to hold an extraordinary Audit & Supervisory Board from the afternoon of the 15th and decide to file a lawsuit for damages. After that, an extraordinary board meeting will be held to receive a report on this decision.

The amount of the claim for damages is expected to significantly exceed 1.3 billion yen, which was certified by the report, due to the addition of investigation costs related to a series of issues.

The former management team of Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. not only received money from the former assistant in Takahama-cho, Fukui Prefecture, but also secretly compensated for some of the executive remuneration reduced due to the deterioration of business performance. It has been pointed out severely.