[Commentary] On June 13, the news that the new coronavirus was detected in the cutting board of imported salmon in the Xinfadi market in Beijing raised concerns. Will salmon be infected or carry the new coronavirus? Is there a risk of infection by people? The reporter interviewed Zhu Yi, an associate professor at the College of Food Science and Technology of China Agricultural University, on related issues. Zhu Yi said that the possibility of salmon itself as a viral vector is very small, but it may be a vector of the new coronavirus.

  [Same period] Zhu Yi, Associate Professor, School of Food Science, China Agricultural University

  It is highly probable that the salmon is not infected by the new coronavirus, but only contaminated by the new coronavirus. We have not found this infectious disease coexisting with humans and fishes. The virus that can enter aquatic animals and the virus that enters mammals should be both well water and river water. Although it (salmon) has no lungs, it has other tissues and whether there is this (new coronavirus) receptor in it. This needs further research, but this can be easily confirmed. The new coronavirus attaches to the surface, and the possibility of (salmon) becoming a vector is quite high.

  [Explanation] Zhu Yi analyzed that there are many possibilities for salmon to be contaminated by viruses. For example, the virus is attached to the surface due to liquid, air, hand contact, etc., and the survival period is prolonged by cold chain transportation. Eventually, the virus is left on the board on.

  [Same period] Zhu Yi, Associate Professor, School of Food Science, China Agricultural University

  It (virus) enters China through imported channels, and this path is entirely possible. Under low-temperature cold-chain conditions, the survival time of it (virus) is significantly prolonged. In the later stage of salmon, it still has to be cut, and it has the longest contact time with people. In its breeding, fishing, storage and transportation, division, and sales, it may be contaminated by viruses. Droplets, sputum, feces, and urine (contact) of people infected with New Coronavirus (contact) may all be (contaminated).

  [Commentary] Zhu Yi suggested that the public should not eat raw salmon for the time being, and should take personal protection before handling. Other fresh products should also be fully cooked before consumption to minimize the risk of infection.

  [Same period] Zhu Yi, Associate Professor, School of Food Science, China Agricultural University

  For ordinary consumers, there is no need to panic too much. It is now possible to eat salmon. We recommend not to eat raw if it can be cooked. There are strict rules when handling, wearing masks and gloves. If we are so worried about the (virus) on its surface, we can use ultraviolet sterilization before we eat it, and then treat it. Regardless of whether there is a new coronavirus, eating raw seafood and fresh water has a great risk, because the risk of contamination is high for Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio cholerae, and Salmonella. The less you eat (raw), the lower your risk of infection.

  Lang Jiahui reports from Beijing

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]