There is a glass cover, the construction area is about 50 square meters, and more than 4,000 books of various types are built in. There are 32 "smart reading spaces" like this in Xuchang, Henan. Because it is located in urban squares, amusement parks, schools, communities and other places with dense crowds and convenient transportation, and it is free for 24 hours, it is called "the most beautiful glass house" by the citizens.

  Duan Jianwei, a fourth-level investigator of the Xuchang Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism and Tourism, introduced that large libraries have limited radiation radius and open hours. The "smart reading space" built the library to the door of people's homes. Internal book resources. "Open 24 hours for free, lit a reading lamp that never goes out," said Mr. Shi, a citizen, which also increased reading time. (Reporter Li Chaoqing Li Guigang)

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]