There is no doubt that this virus is an affliction from God Almighty to His servants, and He inflicts on whomever He wills, and distracts him from whom He wills, and He has spread all His servants, and no one is left unless he has been harmed or has suffered from his dust and slander, everyone has been afflicted, but some evil Easier than some .. There is no doubt also that everyone has resorted to God Almighty, and he knows that there is no one who reveals it except him, and that the harmful harm is the Creator, glory be to Him, and that it is necessary to return to it, and know that the Creator is worshiped, glory to Him, has no partner, and that his affliction to His servants It is a definition of himself, so that they may return. The da’is diminished or lost in many of the vast countries of God. For some of the servants who do not benefit the verses and the vow, then it has to be taken according to what suits him, and all his servants have been blamed for his glory, as is his glorified year in the reward when he is not commanded a favor and is not forbidden by an evil, as in the story of the passengers of the ship that they accused of, so some of them On top of it and some of them below it ... where the good guys did not take at the hands of the ungodly people who wreaked corruption on the earth, with devastating inventions, miserable legislation, and corrupt systems, and all of that was a departure from the laws of reform and divine justice imposed by the truth on all His servants, which was denied by the first Ulu, He did not hear them.

- Our human nature requires urgency. Because we do not see the caches of predestination, and the two sheikhs narrated from the hadith of Abu Hurairah, may God Almighty be pleased with him, that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “One of you will respond unless he hastens, he says: I called I prayed and he did not respond to me.”

«Grand Muftis, Director of Ifta’s Department in Dubai»

We associate with those who believe in God, the Lord of the worlds, to whom we invoke secretly and openly, and we call him fear and greed, and we cry in his hands humiliating and fearful, and he glorifies him hears all of this from us, and calls us to increase the supplication and insistence for him in his glory, as mentioned: «God loves those who are persistent in supplication», And because supplication is the brain of worship, as it is true in the hadith, it is glory to Him that increases us from Him because He deserves to be exalted in His glory, as He commanded and forbade leaving it, all of this to show our poverty to Him, and to show His Kingdom over His servants.

We do not suspect that the Almighty hears the complaint and the survivor, and responds to the supplication, but according to what is meant by the Almighty, as it was stated: “No Muslim calls for a call that has no sin or a rupture of a womb except God has given him one of three: Either he hastens his call to him, or he saves him in the hereafter, Either he is pushed as badly as it is. ”And if our human nature requires the urgency of what is meant, because we do not see the caches of predestination, the two sheikhs narrated from the hadith of Abu Hurairah, may God Almighty be pleased with him, that the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, said:“ He will respond to one of you unless Hurry up, he says: I called I did not answer me.

Therefore, we have to overcome our human nature, so we are not tired of supplication, and we do not rush to answer, so that we do not lose it, but rather we have to press and insist until our voices are lost. It is better for us in any case, so we are worshipers, as Ahmed narrated from the hadeeth of al-Nu`man bin Bashir, may God be pleased with them, that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Supplication is worship.” Then he read: “Call me, I will answer to you, those who are They are proud of my worship, i.e. my prayers, because God Almighty hurrying for us to raise this epidemic, that is what we wanted, and if he delayed it, the wisdom he wanted is his knowledge of it, for He is glorified, the Wise, the Wise, and the Wise, and in it is better for us to increase our affliction to Him and make us entrusted to us, so that He has increased When we come to Him, and He may glory be to Him in His creation what He wills and do what He wants, He has creation and command, He is not asked about what He does, and what is your Lord with darkness for the servants.

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