[Commentary] Huang Yaqi rubbed the prepared dough in front of the desk. After a while, a prototype of a gold arowana appeared under his skillful hand. Immediately, he picked up a straw and decorated it with fish scales. A scene seen on Meizhou Island, Putian, Fujian. Hundreds of Mazu tributes made out of flour are the most pyrotechnic part of the Mazu faith and customs listed on the World Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

  [Explanation] In the hometown of Mazu, Fujian, Meizhou Island, a noodle chef who is good at making seafood tribute is called a pincer. 58-year-old Huang Yaqi is an island village doctor respected by his neighbors and a seaman with a special skill.

  [Same period] Huang Yaqi, a seaman from Meizhou Island, Fujian

  Like the straw that carved the scales of the fish, the scales must be carved at this moment to be realistic. For example, this skin, this rough, just use it to do it. (Tools) are all done by oneself, which step can't be done, and then study a tool by oneself.

  [Explanation] Meizhou Island is the hometown of Mazu and the birthplace of Mazu culture. In the 1980s, Taiwanese fishermen who believed in Mazu rocked their sampan boats and made pilgrimages across the sea. The long-dead Mazu faith was gradually awakened, and there was an urgent demand for Mazu tribute. Huang Yaqi's Erbo was the last man on the island to pinch the sea. Huang Yaqi decided to inherit the family business and become a self-taught student.

  [Same period] Huang Yaqi, a seaman from Meizhou Island, Fujian

  In the past eight years or so, when the Mazu culture was revived, and every house and every family started to pick up Mazu, then my mother told me that there was such a ceremony in the past that it was all pinched with flour, and she told me that my second uncle I used to formulate it, so I revive it according to that tradition.

  [Explanation] Mazu tribute originated in the Song Dynasty. It is divided into literary feasts and martial feasts. There are 164 kinds of tributes "sea, land, and air". Among them, there are more than 100 kinds of seafood alone, and their name, color, shape, taste and seafood are almost the same. The reporter saw that under Huang Yaqi's hands, all kinds of fishes come to life.

  [Commentary] In Huang Yaqi's home, there is a large fish tank with many fish in it. Huang Yaqi told reporters that in order to make both tribute, form and spirit, he has carefully observed the aquarium for many years. In order to keep the tribute longer, he formulated flour, white latex and plastic foam in proportion, and polished a set of handy tools by himself.

  [Same period] Huang Yaqi, a seaman from Meizhou Island, Fujian

  I went to the market to buy the little fish, and the shrimp came back to imitate it, and kept repeating it, saying that it was not good, it was not good-looking, and I came back again, so now I have reached this point. The main ingredient is flour, which contains the white latex and plastic foam, because it adds up to a very high plasticity, does not crack, and is stored permanently.

  [Commentary] In 2009, Huang Yaqi was selected as the first batch of inheritors of the Mazu belief and custom intangible cultural heritage in Putian. Today, he not only walks into several schools on the island for teaching, but also teaches school-based courses in primary schools outside the island.

  [Same period] Huang Yaqi, a seaman from Meizhou Island, Fujian

  I am both a doctor and doing this. Mazu is also a doctor. She saved a lot of lives. Later, when she was rescued at sea, she ascended to heaven. She must do this by holding the spirit of Mazu's love and doing good.

  Reporter Wu Shengwei reports from Putian, Fujian

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]